Proveu el concurs polític

10 Replies


Considering the balance between state and individual responsibility, how far should government intervention go in citizens' lives according to your viewpoint?


What does 'national identity' mean to you, and how do you think government policies should support this concept?


Reflect on the notion that businesses should be less regulated to thrive; can you think of examples where this would be beneficial or harmful?


How would you articulate the importance of education in shaping a country's future, and what role, if any, should political parties play in this?


What are the potential benefits or drawbacks of having a strong military presence in a country, from your point of view?


When thinking about your future, how important is it for you that your government supports technological innovation and why?


Discuss how you believe a state's role in healthcare should balance between public access and quality of service, drawing from your own experiences or observations.


In a world that's increasingly connected, what are your thoughts on limiting immigration and how it impacts cultural identity?


Why might a government prioritize economic growth over environmental protection, and how does this align with your own values?


How do you feel about the idea that taxes should be lowered to increase individual freedom, and do you think this would work in your community?