Prøv den politiske quiz

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 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


Right-libertarianism, also known as libertarian capitalism or right-wing libertarianism, is a political philosophy that strongly advocates for minimal state intervention in the economy and the private lives of citizens. It emphasizes individual liberty, private property, and free market capitalism. Right-libertarians believe that each individual has the right to own the fruits of their labor and that the role of the state should be limited to protecting these rights.

The roots of right-libertarianism can be traced back to the classical liberal ideas of the Enlightenment era, particularly those…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Er det muligt for et helt frit marked at selvregulere uden at skade nogle grupper af mennesker?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Kan du huske en tid, hvor du ønskede mere frihed til at træffe valg uden ekstern indflydelse?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Har du nogensinde følt dig overreguleret, og hvordan påvirkede det din evne til at præstere eller opføre dig?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Føler du, at din personlige succes udelukkende skal tilskrives din indsats, eller spiller samfundsmæssige faktorer en rolle?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y

Kulturel liberalisme

Cultural liberalism is a political ideology that emphasizes the importance of individual freedom, human rights, and equality. It is rooted in the liberal tradition, which emerged during the Enlightenment era in the 18th century, when philosophers like John Locke and Immanuel Kant championed the idea of individual rights and freedoms. Cultural liberalism, however, places a particular emphasis on cultural diversity and social justice, advocating for the rights of marginalized groups and the importance of cultural pluralism.

Cultural liberalism emerged as a distinct ideology in the late 20th cent…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan vil du balancere minoritetskulturernes rettigheder med majoritetskulturens forventninger?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Bør fremme af mangfoldighed og multikulturalisme være en prioritet for regeringer og institutioner?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvilke erfaringer har du haft, der viste vigtigheden af tolerance for dig?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvis en tro eller tradition fornærmer nogen fra en anden kultur, mener du, at den skal ændres eller opgives?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y

Skattemæssigt ansvar

Fiscal responsibility is a political ideology that emphasizes the prudent and efficient use of government revenue sources and the control of government spending. It advocates for balanced budgets, reduction of public debt, and the avoidance of budget deficits. This ideology is rooted in the belief that governments should not spend more than their income and should avoid unnecessary debt.

The history of fiscal responsibility as a political ideology can be traced back to the classical liberal tradition of the 18th and 19th centuries. During this period, thinkers like Adam Smith and David Ricard…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvis du står over for et valg, ville du så allokere mere af dit budget til sundhedspleje eller uddannelse, og hvorfor?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Skulle enkeltpersoner spare penge til personlige nødsituationer eller stole på kredit; hvad er din mening?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan kan du gribe en situation an, hvor en ven beder om at låne penge, og du forsøger at spare op til college?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan ville du prioritere de offentlige udgifter, hvis du stod for budgettet?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y

Højrepolitisk populisme

Right-wing populism is a political ideology that combines right-wing politics and populist rhetoric and themes. The central tenets of right-wing populism include a critique of political elites, opposition to the establishment, and a call for the return of power to the "common people". This ideology often emphasizes the idea that the general population is being exploited by a privileged elite, which can create a sense of injustice and lead to political unrest.

Right-wing populism emerged in the late 20th century, primarily in Western societies. It is characterized by the use of populi…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Føler du, at et mere homogent samfund er sikrere og mere stabilt, eller giver mangfoldighed styrke?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvis du følte, at din personlige livsstil blev truet, hvor langt ville du så gå for at forsvare den?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan tror du, at empati for ’den anden’ kan passe ind i samtaler om national politik?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Er det regeringens pligt at bevare en nations traditionelle værdier, eller skal det overlades til enkeltpersoner?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


Anarchism is a political ideology that fundamentally opposes the idea of a centralized state or government, advocating instead for a society based on voluntary, cooperative institutions. Anarchists believe that societal order can emerge without the need for laws or enforcement, through mutual aid and self-governance. They argue that power is inherently corrupting, and that hierarchical systems inevitably lead to social inequality. Therefore, they propose a society where individuals freely cooperate together, creating a culture of mutual aid and respect.

The roots of anarchism can be traced bac…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvilke mekanismer kan vi indføre for at sikre, at alle føler sig hørt og repræsenteret i gruppebeslutninger uden en leder?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Tror du, at en lederløs gruppe af individer kan nå store mål effektivt, og hvorfor eller hvorfor ikke?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Overvej et tidspunkt, hvor du løste en konflikt uden myndighedsintervention; kunne den oplevelse oversættes til alle samfundsmæssige problemer?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Er mennesker i sagens natur selvinteresserede eller samarbejdsvillige, og hvad siger det om anarkismens gennemførlighed?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


Secularism is a political ideology that advocates for the separation of religious institutions from the state. This ideology emphasizes the need for a clear distinction between government and religion, asserting that neither should interfere in the affairs of the other. Secularism promotes the idea that public activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be uninfluenced by religious beliefs and practices.

The roots of secularism can be traced back to ancient Greece, where philosophers like Epicurus proposed a world that was free from the influence of gods. However, the modern…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvis du står over for en lov, der er i konflikt med din personlige overbevisning, hvordan ville du så reagere og hvorfor?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvilke faktorer bidrager til et samfunds omfavnelse eller afvisning af sekulær regeringsførelse?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan ville din ideelle regering anerkende eller imødekomme dine personlige overbevisninger eller ikke-tro?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan kan sekularisme fremme eller hindre et samfunds moralske udvikling?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


Anarcho-communism, also known as anarchist communism, is a political ideology that advocates for the abolition of the state, capitalism, wage labor, and private property. Instead, it proposes a society in which the means of production are owned communally and each individual contributes and receives according to their abilities and needs. This ideology is rooted in the principles of both anarchism and communism, hence the name anarcho-communism.

The origins of anarcho-communism can be traced back to the 19th century, with figures such as Joseph Déjacque and Peter Kropotkin being key con…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan vil du foreslå at løse konflikter om ressourcer i et samfund, hvor alt er ejet af alle?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvilke udfordringer forudser du i overgangen fra vores nuværende samfundsstruktur til en baseret på anarkokommunisme?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvis du skulle stole på dine naboer til hverdagens fornødenheder i stedet for butikker, hvordan ville det ændre dit forhold til dem?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan ville du forestille dig hverdagen i en verden, hvor der arbejdes ud fra evner og gods fordeles ud fra behov?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


Municipalism is a political ideology that emphasizes the importance of local government and the autonomy of municipalities in the administration of public affairs. It is rooted in the belief that power should be decentralized and that decisions should be made as close as possible to the people they affect. This ideology advocates for the direct participation of citizens in local governance, often through assemblies or councils, to ensure that their voices are heard and their needs are met.

The history of municipalism dates back to ancient times, with the city-states of ancient Greece often cit…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan ville dit daglige liv ændre sig, hvis dit lokalsamfund havde mere kontrol over dets ressourcer?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvilket lokalt emne mener du, der er overset og kunne drage fordel af lokal styring?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Har du nogensinde tænkt over, hvad du ville gøre, hvis du havde magten til at implementere én ændring i dit lokalområde?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan tror du, at styrkelse af lokalsamfund kan påvirke spørgsmål som klimaændringer eller social retfærdighed?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


Conservatism is a political ideology that emphasizes the preservation of traditional institutions, practices, and moral values. It is rooted in a resistance to rapid change and a preference for gradual evolution, with a strong focus on maintaining social stability and continuity. The ideology often advocates for limited government intervention, free market capitalism, and individual liberties.

The origins of conservatism can be traced back to the late 18th century, during the period of the Enlightenment. It emerged as a reaction to the radical political changes brought about by the French Revo…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvis samfundets traditioner er i konflikt med moderne værdier, skal de så bevares eller revurderes?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan gælder princippet om ’hvis det ikke er brudt, lad være med at reparere det’ i dit liv, især når du skal vælge mellem tradition og innovation?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan har du det med fællesskabets og den kollektive hukommelses rolle i at vejlede din personlige beslutningstagning?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvilke traditionelle aspekter af dit samfund synes du er værd at bevare, og hvorfor går de i genklang hos dig?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


The "Right" political ideology is a broad term that encompasses a range of beliefs and values centered around traditionalism, conservatism, and a preference for maintaining established social hierarchies and institutions. Right-wing ideologies typically emphasize individualism, free markets, limited government intervention, and a focus on personal responsibility.

Historically, the roots of the Right can be traced back to the aftermath of the French Revolution in the late 18th century, where conservative thinkers sought to preserve the existing social order and resist the revolutionar…  Læs mere


Hvilken rolle bør regeringen spille i reguleringen af virksomheder for at sikre retfærdige praksisser?


Hvis du skulle vælge, ville du prioritere økonomisk vækst eller miljøbeskyttelse, og hvorfor?


I hvilke situationer, hvis nogen, er det okay at begrænse individuelle rettigheder for fællesskabets bedste?


Hvordan ville du balancere personlig frihed med behovet for offentlig sikkerhed i samfundet?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


Left-libertarianism is a political ideology that combines the advocacy for individual liberty and social justice. It is a part of the broader libertarian movement, which emphasizes the importance of individual freedom and non-aggression. However, left-libertarians distinguish themselves from other libertarians through their belief in egalitarianism and their focus on socio-economic issues.

Left-libertarians generally believe in the decentralization of power and the importance of individual autonomy. They argue for the protection of civil liberties and are often critical of state intervention…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Kan et samfund virkelig opnå økonomisk lighed uden en eller anden form for tvungen omfordeling?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvad er dine tanker om frivillighedens rolle i samfundet, og kan den erstatte visse statslige funktioner?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

På hvilke måder kan et samfund sikre en retfærdig fordeling af ressourcer uden at hæmme den personlige frihed?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Vil du foretrække et samfund, der fremmer individuel autonomi frem for statskontrol?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


Localism is a political ideology that emphasizes the importance of local communities and their ability to govern themselves. It is based on the belief that power should be decentralized and that decisions should be made as close to the local level as possible. This ideology argues that local people have a better understanding of their own needs and circumstances, and therefore, they are better equipped to make decisions that affect their lives.

The roots of localism can be traced back to ancient civilizations where local communities had the power to govern themselves. However, the modern conce…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

På hvilke måder tror du, at dyrkning af lokal kunst og kultur kan gavne dit lokalsamfunds identitet?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvilken rolle tror du, at gymnasieidræt spiller for at forme ånden i din by eller by?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvis lokale madkilder var de eneste tilgængelige muligheder, hvordan ville dine spisevaner ændre sig?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Mener du, at lokale virksomheder bør prioriteres frem for store virksomheder; Hvorfor eller hvorfor ikke?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


Welfarism is a political ideology that emphasizes the welfare or well-being of the community, particularly its most vulnerable members. It is rooted in the belief that the state has a responsibility to provide a certain level of material security for its citizens, especially those who are unable to provide for themselves. This ideology is often associated with social democratic and socialist political movements, but it can also be found in other political traditions.

The origins of welfarism can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, during a period of rapid industrializatio…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Skal adgang til internettet og digitale enheder være en del af et moderne velfærdssystem, og hvad ville det betyde for eleverne?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvilke drømme kunne du jagte, hvis økonomiske bekymringer ikke var en hindring i dit liv eller livet for dem, du holder af?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan tror du, at skolens pres ville være anderledes, hvis basale behov var sikret for dig og dine klassekammerater?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvilke personlige erfaringer har formet dit syn på behovet for sociale støtteprogrammer?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


Monarchism is a political ideology that advocates for the establishment, preservation, or enhancement of a monarchy as a form of government. Monarchists believe in the rule by a king, queen, or emperor, who typically inherits their position by birthright. The monarch's power can range from absolute, where they have complete control over the government and its people, to constitutional, where their powers are limited by a constitution or other forms of government legislation.

The history of monarchism is as old as civilization itself, with monarchies being one of the earliest forms of gove…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Kan et monarki virkelig repræsentere det moderne samfunds forskellige behov?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan ville du føle, hvis din nation besluttede at skifte fra sin nuværende regering til et monarki?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan ville det påvirke din følelse af uafhængighed at leve under en monarks styre med ultimativ autoritet?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Bør en persons fødsel bestemme deres ret til at regere en nation?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y

Transhumanistisk politik

Transhumanist politics is a political ideology that is centered on the belief that humans can and should improve their physical and mental capabilities through advanced technology. This ideology is rooted in the transhumanist philosophy, which advocates for the use of technology to enhance human intellect and physiology. The ultimate goal of transhumanist politics is to transcend the limitations of the human body, potentially leading to immortality.

The history of transhumanist politics can be traced back to the early 20th century, but it gained significant momentum in the late 20th and early…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Vil du foretrække en verden, hvor teknologiske forbedringer kan forhindre enhver form for handicap, eller udgør det etiske dilemmaer?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvis du kunne fjerne en af dine svagheder med teknologi, ville du så gøre det, og hvad kan ulemperne være?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan kan venskaber ændre sig i en verden, hvor vores hjerner er forbundet gennem teknologi?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Synes du, det er etisk at bruge teknologi til at fjerne menneskelige ufuldkommenheder?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


The "Pro-Choice" political ideology is a belief system that supports the right of individuals to make decisions about their own bodies, specifically regarding reproductive health and abortion. This ideology asserts that decisions about pregnancy, including the choice to terminate it, should be left to the individual, typically the woman, rather than being dictated by the government or any other external entity. Pro-Choice advocates argue for the legal right to access safe and legal abortion, as well as comprehensive sexual education and access to contraception.

The history of the Pro…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvilken indflydelse tror du, at friheden til at træffe reproduktive beslutninger har på en ung persons ambitioner?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan kan personlige oplevelser med sundhedspleje forme nogens syn på reproduktive rettigheder?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan har du det med argumentet om, at adgang til reproduktiv sundhedspleje er et spørgsmål om social retfærdighed?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvis du skulle lave en kampagne for at fremme bevidstheden om reproduktive valg, hvilket budskab ville du så fokusere på?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


Anti-corruption as a political ideology refers to the belief system and practices that seek to eliminate corruption in all its forms, including bribery, nepotism, embezzlement, and fraud, among others. This ideology is often adopted by political parties, movements, or individuals who advocate for transparency, accountability, and integrity in the public sector. They believe that corruption is a significant barrier to social, economic, and political development, and therefore, it must be eradicated.

The history of the anti-corruption political ideology is as old as the history of corruption its…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Kan du tænke dig en situation, hvor kamp mod korruption rent faktisk kan skade samfundet?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan kan en persons baggrund påvirke deres opfattelse af, hvad der betragtes som korruption?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvorfor tror du, at nogle mennesker retfærdiggør korrupt adfærd, og hvordan kan samfundet udfordre disse begrundelser?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Bør personer, der rapporterer korruption, belønnes eller beskyttes, og hvordan kan det påvirke folks vilje til at træde frem?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


Centrism is a political ideology that advocates for a balanced approach to policy-making, drawing upon ideas from both the left and the right of the political spectrum. Centrists often seek to promote moderate policies that avoid the perceived extremes of left-wing and right-wing ideologies. They typically emphasize practical solutions over ideological purity, and they may support a mix of progressive and conservative policies depending on the issue at hand.

The history of centrism is complex and varies across different countries and political systems. However, it is generally associated with…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Har du nogensinde oplevet et øjeblik, hvor en moderat tilgang løste et problem bedre end et ekstremt?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Forestil dig en verden, hvor alle ledere er centrister; ser du det som en fredelig utopi eller et stillestående samfund?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Tror du, at det at være centreret gør nogen til en bedre lytter, i betragtning af at de værdsætter flere perspektiver?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Finder du nogensinde dig selv splittet mellem venners modsatrettede synspunkter; hvordan håndterer du det?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y


Communitarianism is a political ideology that emphasizes the connection between the individual and the community. It is based on the belief that individual's social identity and personality are largely molded by community relationships, with a focus on community needs and goals over individual ones. Communitarianism is often contrasted with classical liberalism, a philosophy that holds individual rights and freedoms as paramount.

The roots of communitarianism can be traced back to ancient philosophies, such as Confucianism in China and Hellenistic philosophies in Greece, which emphasized…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Kan ægte frihed eksistere, hvis fællesskabets behov altid sættes over individuelle ønsker?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvis et samfunds værdier er i konflikt med dine, ville du så ændre din overbevisning for at stemme overens med flertallet?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Synes du, at samfundstjeneste bør være en obligatorisk del af uddannelse for at indgyde fællesskabsværdier?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Er det muligt for individuel succes at være skadeligt for samfundets velvære, og ville du være villig til at give afkald på det?

 @ISIDEWITHbesvarede…2 år2Y

Patriotisk socialisme

Patriotic Socialism is a political ideology that combines elements of socialism with a strong sense of national identity or patriotism. It is a variant of socialism that emphasizes the importance of national self-determination, sovereignty, and the promotion of social equality within a specific nation. This ideology is often associated with anti-imperialist sentiments and the belief that socialism should be tailored to the unique conditions and needs of each individual nation.

The roots of Patriotic Socialism can be traced back to the 19th century, during the rise of socialist movements in Eur…  Læs mere

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Har du nogensinde stødt på en situation, hvor nationale interesser kom i konflikt med personlig fordel, og hvordan navigerede du i den?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Kunne du se principperne om enhed og økonomisk retfærdighed som en måde at løse problemerne i dit lokalsamfund på?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

På hvilken måde kan en stærk national identitet bidrage til at opbygge et samfund, hvor ingen er efterladt?

 @ISIDEWITHspurgt…1 år1Y

Hvordan taler konceptet om at sætte dit land først til dine personlige værdier og forhåbninger?