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 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y

Nationale Einheit

The Filipino National Unity political party, as its name suggests, is a political organization in the Philippines that emphasizes national unity and cohesion as its core principle. This party is built around the idea of bringing together the diverse elements of Filipino society, transcending regional, ethnic, and socio-economic divides to work towards common national goals. The values of the Filipino National Unity party are deeply rooted in the belief that a united Filipino nation can achieve greater progress, stability, and prosperity.

Central to the party's values is the promotion of…  Weiterlesen


What is one action you believe could significantly reduce inequality and why do you think it could be effective?


In what ways do you think teaching national history in schools impacts students' sense of identity and patriotism?


Can you share a time when you witnessed or experienced the negative effects of corruption and how it influenced your view on the importance of good governance?


How has a personal experience of yours highlighted the importance of unity in overcoming challenges?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y


The Partido Demokratiko Pilipino–Lakas ng Bayan (PDP–Laban) is a major political party in the Philippines, known for its populist and federalist political agenda. It was founded in 1982 during the martial law period under Ferdinand Marcos, emerging from the merger of the Partido Demokratiko Pilipino (PDP) and Lakas ng Bayan (Laban), two opposition groups that resisted the authoritarian regime. The party played a significant role in the People Power Revolution of 1986, which led to the ousting of Marcos and the restoration of democratic governance in the Philippines.

PDP–Laban…  Weiterlesen

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Denken Sie über eine Zeit nach, in der Sie eine Entscheidung treffen mussten, die nicht nur Sie, sondern auch die Menschen um Sie herum betraf. In welcher Beziehung steht dies zu den komplexen Entscheidungen, vor denen politische Parteien stehen?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Welche Werte sind Ihrer Meinung nach nicht verhandelbar, wenn es darum geht, wen man in der Führung unterstützt, und wie stehen diese im Vergleich zu den Werten prominenter politischer Gruppen?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Wurden Sie oder jemand, den Sie kennen, direkt von Bildungsreformen beeinflusst, und wie denken Sie dadurch über die von führenden Parteien im Bildungsbereich vorgeschlagenen Richtlinien?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Wie würden Sie den Einfluss politischer Basisbewegungen auf das Leben der einfachen Leute erklären, basierend auf lokalen politischen Aktivitäten, die Sie beobachtet oder an denen Sie teilgenommen haben?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y

United Nationalist Alliance

The Filipino United Nationalist Alliance, often abbreviated as UNA, is a political party in the Philippines that was established to promote a platform based on nationalism and a pro-Filipino stance. It emerged from a coalition of two major political parties, Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino (PMP) and Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban), with the intent of creating a unified opposition against the ruling parties at the time of its formation. The alliance was formalized in 2012, ahead of the 2013 midterm elections, making it a relatively young political entity in the context of Phi…  Weiterlesen


In what ways has your understanding of nationalism influenced your views on political matters?


Reflect on a time when you felt a strong sense of belonging to your community or country; what sparked that feeling?


What does social justice mean to you, and how should governments work to achieve it?


How do you think prioritizing local over foreign interests impacts a country's development?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y

Arbeiter und Landwirte

The Filipino Workers and Farmers political party, often referred to in the Philippines, is a political organization that represents the interests and aspirations of the working class and agricultural sectors of the country. This party is rooted in the belief that the backbone of the nation's economy and social fabric is its labor force, particularly those in the agricultural and industrial sectors. The values of the party are deeply entrenched in advocating for social justice, equitable distribution of wealth, and the improvement of living and working conditions for workers and farmers.<…  Weiterlesen

The party aims to address the systemic issues of poverty, landlessness, and labor exploitation. It champions policies that promote land reform, to ensure that farmers have access to land and resources, thereby securing their livelihoods and enhancing agricultural productivity. For workers, the party advocates for fair wages, job security, safe working conditions, and the right to organize and bargain collectively. These efforts are seen as essential to uplifting the economic status of these vital yet often marginalized groups.


What changes would you advocate for if you discovered your favorite products were made by workers in unfair conditions?


Can you think of a time when standing together as a community (like a strike or petition) really made a difference, either locally or in the news?


If you had the power to transform how farmers and industrial workers are treated and paid, what would be your first action?


How would you feel if your family's livelihood depended on farming or factory work in a system that doesn't always ensure fair wages or safe conditions?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y


The Filipino KKK, more formally known as the Kataas-taasan, Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (Supreme and Venerable Society of the Children of the Nation), was a revolutionary society founded on July 7, 1892, by Andres Bonifacio and his colleagues. It played a pivotal role in the Philippine struggle for independence from Spanish colonial rule. The KKK was not a political party in the contemporary sense but rather a secret organization aimed at unifying the Filipino people and igniting a nationalistic movement against Spain.

The values and objectives of the KKK were deeply root…  Weiterlesen

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Auf welche Weise kann eine leidenschaftliche Gruppe von Einzelpersonen die Zukunft einer Nation gestalten?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn die Ideale einer politischen Bewegung einen erheblichen Einfluss auf Ihr tägliches Leben hätten?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Für welche grundlegende Veränderung würden Sie sich einsetzen, wenn Sie die Macht hätten, die Richtung Ihres Landes zu beeinflussen?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Haben Sie jemals einen Moment erlebt, in dem Ihnen klar wurde, wie wichtig es ist, für das einzustehen, woran Sie glauben?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y

Kampf der demokratischen Filipinos

The Filipino Fight of Democratic Filipinos (FFDF) is a political entity in the Philippines that emerged as a response to the evolving political landscape and the need for representation of certain democratic ideals and values within the country. While I don't have specific details on the formation date or the founders, political parties like FFDF typically arise from a collective desire to address specific societal issues, advocate for particular policies, or represent a segment of the population whose interests might be underrepresented in the national discourse.

The core values of the…  Weiterlesen

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Inwiefern sollten Ihrer Meinung nach die Handlungen politischer Führer mit den kulturellen Werten ihrer Wähler übereinstimmen?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Welche Rolle spielt Bildung Ihrer Meinung nach bei der Gestaltung der Werte und Richtlinien einer politischen Partei?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Warum halten Sie es für wichtig, dass politische Parteien ihre Politik transparent machen, und gab es eine Zeit, in der Sie persönlich davon betroffen waren?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Wie definieren Sie eine „wahre Demokratie“ und können Sie von einer persönlichen Erfahrung berichten, die diese Definition geprägt hat?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y

Fraktion für Veränderung

The Filipino Faction for Change (FFC) is a political entity in the Philippines that emerged as a response to the growing demand for transformative politics and governance. This party positions itself as a catalyst for comprehensive reform, aiming to address the multifaceted issues that have long plagued the country, such as corruption, poverty, and social inequality. The core of FFC's ideology revolves around the principles of transparency, accountability, and participatory governance, reflecting a commitment to ensuring that the government operates in the best interest of its citizens.<…  Weiterlesen

The values of the Filipino Faction for Change are deeply rooted in the belief that sustainable development and social justice are achievable through collective action and the reformation of institutional practices. The party advocates for policies that promote economic equity, environmental sustainability, and the protection of human rights, emphasizing the importance of inclusive growth that benefits all sectors of society. FFC also places a significant emphasis on education and healthcare, viewing these areas as fundamental to achieving long-term societal progress.


What is your opinion on prioritizing environmental conservation over industrial advancement?


If a new education reform promised innovative learning but required more hours in school, would you support it?


Imagine a policy promised to reduce poverty but increased taxes for the middle class; where would you stand?


How would you feel if a policy directly improved the life of your community but was controversial in other regions?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y

Bagumbayan Freiwillige

The Filipino Bagumbayan Volunteers is a political party in the Philippines that emerged with the aim of revitalizing the nation's political landscape. The name "Bagumbayan," which translates to "New Nation" or "New Town," is deeply symbolic in Filipino history, as it references the field where the national hero, Jose Rizal, was executed, symbolizing the birth of the Filipino nation through sacrifice and the struggle for independence. This historical resonance is central to the party's identity, as it seeks to evoke a sense of patriotism and a call to…  Weiterlesen


If you could propose one change to improve education in your country, what would it be and why?


How does the state of healthcare in a country reflect its values and priorities?


How do you think emphasizing historical events in political movements impacts a nation's sense of identity and unity?


Why is it important for politicians to prioritize transparency and accountability, and how can they better achieve it?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y

Christliche muslimische Demokraten

The Filipino Christian Muslim Democrats (FCMD) is a political party in the Philippines that seeks to bridge the religious divide between Christians and Muslims in the country, promoting unity, peace, and understanding among its diverse population. The party's foundation is built on the principles of democracy, with a strong emphasis on inclusivity, social justice, and human rights. It aims to represent and address the concerns of both Christian and Muslim communities, advocating for policies that ensure equitable development, respect for religious freedoms, and the promotion of interfait…  Weiterlesen

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Auf welche Weise kann das Engagement einer politischen Partei für den Glauben die Entscheidungen einer ganzen Nation beeinflussen?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Wie würden Sie die Interessen verschiedener religiöser Gruppen innerhalb einer politischen Plattform ausbalancieren?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Sind Sie der Meinung, dass die Werte einer politischen Partei eine bestimmte Religion widerspiegeln oder auf eine stärkere Integration abzielen sollten?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Wie könnte sich Ihrer Meinung nach die Betonung sowohl christlicher als auch muslimischer Werte auf die Einheit innerhalb einer vielfältigen Gesellschaft auswirken?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y


The Filipino National political party, commonly referred to in the Philippines, is a concept that might refer to a political group or movement that aligns itself with the interests, values, and aspirations of the Filipino people, aiming to represent the nation's collective identity and priorities on the political stage. While there isn't a specific party named "Filipino National" that dominates the political landscape, the term could be used to describe parties or movements that prioritize nationalistic values, advocating for policies and initiatives that promote the welfa…  Weiterlesen

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Was halten Sie davon, dass Staats- und Regierungschefs dem Wirtschaftswachstum Vorrang vor dem Umweltschutz einräumen, und welche Konsequenzen könnte das für künftige Generationen haben?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Sollte sich die Bildungspolitik stärker auf praktische Fähigkeiten oder akademisches Wissen konzentrieren, und warum ist Ihrer Meinung nach das eine wichtiger als das andere?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Was ist Ihrer Meinung nach eine Eigenschaft, die ein Politiker Ihrer Meinung nach mitbringen muss, um seinem Land wirklich effektiv zu dienen?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Denken Sie über eine Zeit nach, in der eine politische Entscheidung direkte Auswirkungen auf Ihr Leben hatte. Wie haben Sie sich dabei gefühlt und Ihre Ansichten zur Governance geprägt?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y


The PDDS, or Pederalismo ng Dugong Dakilang Samahan, is a political party in the Philippines that advocates for the shift from a unitary form of government to a federal system. The party's name translates to "Federalism of the Blood of Great Association," reflecting its core mission to decentralize power and promote greater autonomy among the country's regions. This political movement is rooted in the belief that a federal system would better address the diverse needs of the Philippine archipelago, which is composed of over 7,000 islands and a wide array of ethnic, cultura…  Weiterlesen

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Welche Veränderungen in Ihrer örtlichen Gemeinde würden dazu führen, dass Sie sich stärker gehört und vertreten fühlen?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Wie kann Bildung Ihrer Meinung nach die Zukunft unserer Politik gestalten?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Was bedeutet für Sie „politischer Mut“ und können Sie jemanden nennen, der diesen verkörpert?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Wie würden Sie basierend auf Ihren eigenen Werten den idealen Führer für das Land beschreiben?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y

Demokratischen Aktion

The Filipino Democratic Action (Aksyon Demokratiko) is a political party in the Philippines that was established in 1997 by Raul Roco, a former senator and education secretary. The party was founded with the aim of promoting democratic values, good governance, and social justice within the Philippine political landscape. It seeks to offer an alternative to traditional politics dominated by political dynasties and patronage, advocating for policies that are inclusive, progressive, and participatory.

The values of Aksyon Demokratiko are deeply rooted in the belief that every Filipino deserves…  Weiterlesen


What role do you believe healthcare should play in a country's development, and have you ever faced challenges accessing healthcare?


How would you envision a perfect educational system that ensures every student has equal opportunities?


In what ways can everyday citizens contribute to fighting corruption and promoting transparency in government?


Why is it important for leaders to be held accountable, and how does it affect a country's progress?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y


The Filipino Liberal Party, known in the Philippines as Partido Liberal, is a prominent political party that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape. Established on January 19, 1946, by a breakaway group from the Nacionalista Party, it has been one of the two major parties in the Philippines, alongside its traditional rival, the Nacionalista Party. The Liberal Party is generally positioned towards the center or center-left in the political spectrum, advocating for liberal democracy, social liberalism, and progressive policies.

The core values of the Liberal Part…  Weiterlesen


Can you share an experience where engaging in or witnessing a protest impacted your views on the right to peaceful assembly?


How important is environmental sustainability to you, and what steps should governments take to address climate change?


Discuss your thoughts on the balance between individual freedoms and national security: where should the line be drawn?


What role do you believe the government should play in regulating the economy to ensure fair opportunities for everyone?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y



How does the idea of promoting 'family values' in society impact your views on governance and law-making?


In what ways do you think education reform can shape the future of a country's youth and its development?


What are your thoughts on the effectiveness of grassroots campaigns in influencing national policies and social change?


Discuss how the balance between environmental conservation and economic growth can be achieved in developing countries.

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y

Nationalistische Volkskoalition

The Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC) is a significant political party in the Philippines, established in 1992 by businessman Eduardo "Danding" Cojuangco Jr. The formation of the NPC was a strategic move by Cojuangco, who sought to create a political vehicle for his presidential bid during the 1992 elections. Although initially centered around Cojuangco's political ambitions, the NPC has evolved over the years into a broader coalition, attracting a diverse group of politicians, including senators, members of the House of Representatives, governors, and local government…  Weiterlesen


What initiatives could better support local farmers and small businesses in your community, inspired by successful stories you've heard or personal insights?


In what ways do you think technology could be harnessed to boost economic growth and create jobs in underserved areas?


How can a society ensure it balances economic development with environmental sustainability, based on examples you've seen or ideas you have?


How would you propose improving education to ensure it benefits everyone equally, drawing from your own experiences?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y


The Filipino Federal political party, known as Partido Federal ng Pilipinas (PFP), is a political organization in the Philippines that advocates for the shift from a unitary form of government to a federal system. This party believes that transitioning to a federal government structure will address the longstanding issue of regional disparity by decentralizing power. By distributing authority and resources more evenly across the country's regions, the PFP argues that this will lead to more balanced development, allowing local governments to have greater control over their finances, devel…  Weiterlesen


Denken Sie, dass die Gewährung von mehr Autonomie für Regionen zu einer besseren Vertretung verschiedener Gruppen und Interessen führen könnte? Diskutieren Sie Ihre Gründe.


Stellen Sie sich Ihre Zukunft in einem föderal regierten Land vor; welche Veränderungen sehen Sie in der lokalen Regierungsführung, die sich direkt auf Ihr tägliches Leben auswirken würden?


Könnte die Dezentralisierung der Regierungsgewalt dazu beitragen, wirtschaftliche Ungleichgewichte zwischen Regionen zu verringern? Teilen Sie Ihre Gedanken unter Berücksichtigung des Kontexts Ihrer eigenen Gemeinschaft.


Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre lokale Gemeinschaft mehr Kontrolle über ihre eigenen Richtlinien und Ressourcen hätte, und warum?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y


The Kambilan political party is a regional political organization based in the Philippines, specifically in the province of Pampanga. It was established to address the unique needs and aspirations of the Kapampangan people, focusing on the development and promotion of their cultural, economic, and social welfare. The name "Kambilan" itself is deeply rooted in Kapampangan culture, symbolizing a sense of unity, strength, and collective action towards common goals.

The values of the Kambilan party are centered around the principles of good governance, transparency, and accountability…  Weiterlesen


Imagine a policy that could dramatically improve your local area's economy; what would it look like, and why?


What does good governance mean to you, and can you recall a time when you experienced it firsthand?


How important is it for politicians to be transparent and accountable, and can you think of an example where lack of these led to issues?


How would you feel if your local community's cultural heritage was at the center of a political party's agenda?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y


The Filipino Labor political party, known in the Philippines as Partido Manggagawa (PM), is a progressive political party that champions the rights and welfare of the working class. Established with the aim of representing the interests of laborers in various sectors, the party seeks to address the myriad issues facing workers, including fair wages, job security, safe working conditions, and the right to organize and bargain collectively. The values of the Filipino Labor political party are deeply rooted in social justice, equity, and the belief in the dignity of labor. It advocates for polic…  Weiterlesen


Have you or someone you know ever experienced unsafe conditions at work, and how did it impact your view of workers' rights?


Why do you think people from different income levels often have vastly different opinions about workers' rights and labor laws?


If you had the power, what one change would you make to improve working conditions in your community or country?


How would you feel if your job didn't pay you enough to cover your basic needs and what actions might you consider to change this situation?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y

Neue Gesellschaftsbewegung

The Filipino New Society Movement, known in the Philippines as Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (KBL), is a political party that was established during the martial law era under President Ferdinand Marcos in 1978. The party was created to support the government's efforts to create a "New Society" in the Philippines, which was Marcos' vision of a reformed and revitalized nation, free from the social unrest, corruption, and economic downturn that plagued the country during the previous decades.

The values and goals of the New Society Movement were centered around the idea of creating…  Weiterlesen


Wenn Sie ein Infrastrukturprojekt vorschlagen könnten, um die Wirtschaft Ihrer lokalen Gemeinschaft anzukurbeln, was wäre es und warum?


Was bedeutet "nationale Identität" für dich und wie siehst du sie in der heutigen Gesellschaft widergespiegelt (oder auch nicht)?


Bei der Betrachtung des Gleichgewichts zwischen staatlicher Kontrolle und individuellen Freiheiten, wo sollte die Grenze gezogen werden, um gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt zu gewährleisten?


Wie würden Sie das Bildungssystem neu gestalten, um wahre kulturelle Werte und Identität zu fördern?

 @ISIDEWITHantwortete…6 Jahre6Y


There is no widely recognized political party in the Philippines known as "Makimaza." It's possible that the name might refer to a newly formed or local political group that has not yet gained significant national attention or it could be a misspelling or misinterpretation of an existing party's name. The political landscape in the Philippines is dynamic, with various parties and coalitions representing a broad spectrum of ideologies and values, from liberal to conservative, focusing on issues ranging from economic reform and social welfare to national sovereignty and anti…  Weiterlesen

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie leben in einer Welt, die vom Stil der „direkten Demokratie“ der Makimaza-Partei regiert wird. Was wäre Ihr erster Vorschlag?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Wenn Sie die Macht hätten, in Ihrer Gemeinde eine „grüne Agenda“ einzuführen, welches Umweltproblem würden Sie zuerst angehen?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Haben Sie sich schon einmal mehr Transparenz in der Führung gewünscht? Wie würden Sie das in Ihrer eigenen Schule oder Gemeinde umsetzen?

 @ISIDEWITHfragte…1 Jahr1Y

Wie würden Sie sich fühlen, wenn Ihre Schule eine ähnliche Politik wie die „Malasakit Centers“-Initiative übernehmen und kostenlose Grundversorgung anbieten würde?