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 @9FYW9ZKLiberalfrom Bataan  answered…1yr1Y

The budget for the military must be relevant to the country’s needs. I believe that increasing the budget is increasing the tax or decreasing the allotted budget for the other government policies or social programs.


It's not a question of whether we increase or decrease military spending, but how we can more efficiently manage what we spend it on and how it is spent.


Only spend on necessary things and spending it a proper way without being excessive.

 @9DXX7VXLiberalfrom Bohol  answered…1yr1Y

Fiscal priorities must be put on the biggest issues of our country such as corruption, dominating political dynasties, poverty, and whatnot, which are grave national threats both to our generation and our posterity.

 @9DMPD5HLiberalfrom Bataan  answered…2yrs2Y

Decrease, considering the amount of money spent on military purposes than in medical facilities, needs, and health workers.

 @9699BTSfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…2yrs2Y


That depends on whether there is a need to or if the military is fairing well as it is.

 @967Z5S6Nationalfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…2yrs2Y


 @adashLiberalfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…3yrs3Y

Decrease, there are other factors in our country that we should be spending our funds to like healthcare, etc.


increase military spending for civil defense, for patrolling and protecting our territories

 @8VW4VPSLiberalfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8VGY5RTPDP–Labanfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…3yrs3Y


It depends, Because if there is enough funds for military spending it is no longer needed and this funds can only be used for other things that are good or that are also needed to be used.


It depends on the situation. Military spending may be important to the point that we are not really behind other countries' military forces.


I am satisfied with the current spending, it's useless to spend it all on the military if all we have are garbage from WW1.

 @8LM337XLiberalfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…4yrs4Y

During this period, I don't think that we have to increase spendings on them because we already have poured a lot. Government should focus more on scientists and medical staffs , they're the ones that suffering most during this pandemic.

 @8LL8Z2LWorkers and Farmersfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8LKZDNSWorkers and Farmersfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…4yrs4Y

the philippines government should be focus more on solving this pandemic


For my perspective, yes, they can increase military spending but not excessively. We could say the spending can be used to upgrade the armed forces' equipment and firearms. And the funds used on spending should be vitally protected from corrupt government officials.


I think this one it is important for the government to know how to balanc funds in every branch of the government. Im not saying that they should decrease the fund that our military is accepting, they need it too. But Rather, the government should balance it more.

 @8CJS9JYfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8CG959CDemocraticfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…4yrs4Y

Militars deserve to have an enough amount of spending but they have to limit the amount because some health workers needed more amount of spending for the current situation

 @8LBLW3XBagumbayan Volunteersfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8HGQJHFfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…4yrs4Y

we should increase it for manpower & awfully needed materials to protect our air, land, & seas & oceans, using the funds of taxes that come from the wealthiest rich taxpayers money so they can at least give contribution for the country's national security


Imagine if your local community had a say in the military budget; what do you think they would prioritize and why?


i think we should spend money on what is actually needed instead of what looks good.

 @8YWHYGD from Ohio  answered…3yrs3Y



Spend the same amount or near it, maybe less once we have a modern ready force ready to defend our country. Free up funds by returning our troops from Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere and avoiding being the world police. Stay out of conflicts, civil wars in other nations.



Military expenditure should instead be used to arm and train every citizen.


the government should decrease military spending until a war breaks out that the us is involved in. if that were to happen then increase military spending to get more people to fight along with the people who want to stand up for there country


I think depending on which field and how much time spent in the military determines ones pay, and the spending on military is fine but could be increased because of them fighting for our country.

  @MSelvig from Wyoming  answered…3yrs3Y

Military Spending should be scrutinized for waste and abuse, then adjusted accordingly.

 @922ZQ2R from California  answered…3yrs3Y

Neither, I believe we shouldn't fight for who holds the most global power.

 @9425J2G from Florida  answered…3yrs3Y

Leave it but remove our troops from foreign hostile conflicts that are not threatening our countrys safety

 @93ZQDBJ from California  answered…3yrs3Y

Cut out wasteful spending and/or use wasteful spending to increase salaries of military workers.


Give the US military the same budget as is currently given to NASA (give the military only 0.5-1% of the federal budget).

 @93GXC37 from Michigan  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8R2HCMG from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

The government should lower military spending overtime at a gradual and controlled pace


They should increase it for the people in the military can have better food etc...

 @ryanmwilson from Georgia  answered…4yrs4Y


Defending our borders is a critical core competency of the Federal Government and so should comprise a large proportion of Federal spending.
Rather than discussing an increase or decrease in spending, we should discuss the necessity for increased capabilities.


Increase, but only after our deficit is drastically reduced

Increase only when necessary or during wartime/conflicts, but current budget should be slightly decreased by making it more efficient, eliminating wasteful spending until our national debt is reduced. Also, some of its budget should be reallocated towards funding social programs, education, healthcare, etc.


Increase, but only after our deficit is drastically reduced

Increase when necessary, but current budget should be reduced first to eliminate wasteful spending and become more efficient, and provide funding for necessary military actions as well. Also, half of its money should be reallocated towards social programs, education, healthcare, etc.


Increase Decrease Increase, but only after our deficit is drastically reduced

Increase only as necessary to maintain strong national defense, but current budget should be adjusted and properly managed by eliminating wasteful spending in order to reduce our national debt, while ensuring that the military remains at full strength and able to perform vital functions. Also, provide better pay and services for members of the military, and our veterans.


Increase Decrease Increase, but only after our deficit is drastically reduced

Increase only as necessary to maintain strong national defense, but current budget should be adjusted and properly managed by eliminating wasteful spending in order to reduce our national debt, while ensuring that the military remains at full strength and able to perform vital functions.


Increase Decrease Increase, but only after our deficit is drastically reduced

Increase only as necessary to maintain strong national defense, but current budget should be adjusted and properly managed by eliminating unnecessary/wasteful spending as well as wasteful projects, and cutting most foreign bases and operations in order to reduce our presence from other countries.

 @8ZDRQ4W from Idaho  answered…3yrs3Y

Decrease the spending by 20% and give that 20 to the rest of the country

 @8ZGPKMH from Washington  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8Q95WD3 from Tennessee  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8ZSR5NL from GU  answered…3yrs3Y

Increase to maintain a strong national defense, and/or if there is a problem that we need to respond to ongoing conflicts/emergency situations. But current spending should be adjusted by reducing wasteful spending to ensure the budget is spent more wisely, and provide our troops with better pay and benefits.



Decrease the funding for WMD's, but increase the salaries of every soldier.


How would you advocate for your perspective on military spending if you had a minute to speak to a national leader?


What personal experiences have led you to feel either safe or unsafe about the military's role in protecting your nation?


I feel like government should spend money on military needs in advance and keep the spending not to high and not to low. need to spend enough to be very well prepaired though.


Decrease, and optimize that fund towards healthcare and other helpful resources for communities and such.


Decrease drastically. Only increase when absolutely necessary and stop getting involved in unnecessary foreign conflicts.

 @8Q6C4Y4 from Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8HTYVLY from Massachusetts  answered…4yrs4Y

If the military wants the money then they can have money at the time they ask for it.


How might your day-to-day life change if your country decided to shift funds from the military to education or healthcare?

 @8L5M8J7 from Connecticut  answered…4yrs4Y


How do you think your future job prospects might be affected by the government's decision to alter military spending?

 @8DD853J from Georgia  answered…4yrs4Y

Decrease. I think we can decrease unnecessary spending and use the money to go towards other programs.

 @8ZD5P7M from Washington  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8DD9X2S from Georgia  answered…4yrs4Y

It depends on how much money the military needs and how much we can supply


Decrease, only increase when absolutely needed. Fight when attacked not vise versa.

 @8DD2TCY from Georgia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8K5WT2N from Washington  answered…4yrs4Y

I believe a Increase on Military Equipment that is essential for living.

 @92MDVFR from Georgia  answered…3yrs3Y

Stabilize military spending and audit the current budget more meticulously. Bribery and kickbacks notoriously infiltrate military spending.

 @6HDD83R from California  answered…4yrs4Y

Increase, but only in countries where the U.S. is (with the approval of the U.S. congress) currently at war with. reduce the military personnel by half (only in military bases that are not in proximity to any armed conflict).

 @8CCDZVZ from Nevada  answered…4yrs4Y

 @6RM5JH3 from Missouri  answered…4yrs4Y

Use the money to actually pay for soldiers equipment and aftercare. Only increase the money if it will benefit veterans... not create more war

 @8GM326G from California  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8PQP2RP from California  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8FBSMQN from Illinois  answered…4yrs4Y

it shouldn't just increase nor decrease, it should fluctuate for the needs of the modern battlefield and accordingly to price

 @8TV9L2L from Arizona  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8QZF9F6 from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Increase but first cut social security and Medicare and Medicaid then put that money into the stock market.


If you had to choose, which public sector - healthcare, education, or defense - deserves the most investment from our government, and why?

 @7YJZJKK from North Carolina  answered…4yrs4Y

Military spending should be decided based on the situation of our military for the given year


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