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 @8KYV8LWGreen Republicananswered…4yrs4Y

They should have the rights to adopt a child but only one parent can a adopt, it doesn't matter if their gay or not, they are just like us they want to have their own lives and their own build of family, they didnt threaten us or anything so we do the same thing to them as how nice the things they did to us so they have the rights, they are citizens like us too and their humans too.

 @8KYZBHDfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…4yrs4Y

Although I am not against gay couples adopting, but isn't that prohibited by the bible?

 @8CT2TZPfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…4yrs4Y

THey should prioritize straight because most of the same sex couples do only crave for sexual purposes and it will lead to a trauma to the adopted child once they broke up

 @8CJT332Liberalfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes as long as their background checks are clean they can adopt plus if they're capable to give their child a good life

 @8CG3J8RDemocraticfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…4yrs4Y

 @9DMPD5HLiberalfrom Bataan  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, as long as they are capable of raising a child and providing a good future for them.

 @8LL4KPMDemocratic Frontanswered…4yrs4Y

Yes, Because it is okay because they have the right thing to do that ,if they don't abuse some people and if they have good intention it's fine.

 @96B3YY8Liberalfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes. As long as, ANY COUPLES that would adopt a child should pass whether they are really capable.

 @967Z5S6Nationalfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes , as long as they explain to the child their relationship/family is different but unique.

 @93JNSBRfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…3yrs3Y


Yes, adoption is to help the children to feel the care of a family. it's nothing to do with the parent's sexuality

 @AnimeUwU11KKKfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but they should be able to support and give love to the children they’re adopting

 @8VGY5RTPDP–Labanfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…3yrs3Y

No, I don't agree with same-sex couples and they have no right to adopt a child. The child will be ashamed of her/himself and get bullied every day.

 @8VGY5RTPDP–Labanfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…3yrs3Y

No, I don't agree with same-sex couples and they have no right to adopt a child. The child will be ashamed of his/himself and get bullied every day.

 @8VGSXRMDemocraticfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, gay couples should be have the rights to adopt children that straight couples can't stand it.

 @8VFP68YNationalfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…3yrs3Y

No, because God only allows the relationship between man and women, a females only for males and males only for females


Yes, as long as they can afford to feed their child and buy the need of their child


For me, It's okay they have the rights to but what will the children that they adopt will say.



Yes, but for both straight and gay couples, the government should be more strict regarding the parents who know if they are horrible parents the child would be better of living as an orphan.



Yes, because it is a necessary means to lessen abortion cases based on financial uncapability and poor societal standing.

 @8C6KL4ZIndependentfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…4yrs4Y

No, research studies show that heterosexual couples are better than homosexual couples to childrens' well-being and development.


If a child can be provided a stable, loving environment, what significance, if any, do you believe the sexual orientation of the adoptive parents has?

 @8WWH7BV from GU  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, they are equally capable of caring for a child as well as heterosexual couples

 @8NYZYJ7 from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, as long as they pass the same background checks, but individual adoption agencies (especially religious adoption agencies) should not be forced to violate their beliefs. I also believe a masculine and feminine balance is the best environment for child development, though this does not necessarily have to come from a man and a woman.

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…3yrs3Y

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…3yrs3Y

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…3yrs3Y

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes but they can only adopt children 10 and older that way they can consent

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes but they should require family counseling unless the child says they don’t need it

 @88LK76J from Michigan  answered…3yrs3Y

 @6HDD83R from California  answered…4yrs4Y

No, only heterosexual (but not heterosexual allies) and asexual but opposite sex couples who are lawfully married should be allowed to have adoption rights

 @8L463MX from Nebraska  answered…4yrs4Y

I think it would not be a good idea, the kid could get bullied because of her/his parents at school and it may even influence the kid to like his/her same gender.

 @93VVP97 from New York  answered…3yrs3Y


Heteroseuxual relationships are better for children then gay or single parent scenarios however a single parent or homosexual couple makes a much better parent than foster care.

 @8H7C5J6 from Ohio  answered…4yrs4Y

They should be able to adopt, but religious entities should not be forced to serve them.

 @8QRCFQP from Tennessee  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8ZGPKM9 from Missouri  answered…3yrs3Y


No, and sem-sex (by birth) couples should not be able to adopt children, and neither should anyone else who is not a born-man and a born-woman who are married. (No single people, either)

 @6JGZ6V5 from New Mexico  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, as long as the gay couple promise to allow to child to make personal choices regarding sexual preference and as long as they agree to not push or indoctrinate an alternative sexual lifestyle.

 @85Q8YH7 from Texas  answered…3yrs3Y

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, as I believe that each individual child has the natural right to be raised in a mother and father family structure. However, adoption agencies should always prioritize the well-being of the child first and foremost in each case

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, and I believe that each child has the natural right to be raised in a mother and father family structure. However, adoption agencies should always prioritize the well-being of the child first in each individual case

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, and I believe that each child is born with the natural right to be raised in a mother and father family structure. Gay couples may be considered if no suitable straight couples are found to meet the child's best interests

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, each child is born with the natural right to be raised in a mother and father family structure, but allow gay couples to be considered if no suitable straight couples are found to meet the child's best interests

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, as I believe that each child has the natural right to be raised in a mother and father family structure

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, as I believe that each individual child has the natural right to be raised within a mother and father family structure. However, adoption agencies should always place the well-being of the child first in each situation

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Regardless, adoption agencies should base their decision on the couple that can best provide for the individual child's needs, both emotionally and financially

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, adoption agencies should prioritize their decision on the couple that can best provide for the individual child's needs, both emotionally and financially

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, as long as adoption agencies prioritize their decision on the couple that can best provide for the individual child's needs, both emotionally and financially

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, as I believe that each individual child has the natural right to be raised within a mother and father family structure

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, each individual child has the natural right to a mother and father family structure. However, adoption agencies should have the right to decide to offer a child to a gay couple if they can best provide for the individual child's needs, both emotionally and financially

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, each individual child has the natural right to a mother and father family structure

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, as I believe that each individual child has the natural right to be raised within a mother and father family structure, but priority should always be given to the wellbeing of the child when evaluating the suitability of the prospective parents

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, as I believe that each individual child has the natural right to be raised within a mother and father family structure, but priority should always be given to the wellbeing of the child when evaluating the prospective parents

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, as I believe that each individual child has the natural right to be raised within a mother and father family structure, but priority should always be given to the wellbeing of the child over the desires of the prospective parents

 @8CKRCH4 from North Carolina  answered…4yrs4Y

We should abolish all adoptions in favor of guardianships as current adoptions violate the United Nations rights of the child articles 7,8,9,10,11.20, and 21. Guardianship status should not be determined via orientation.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, each child is entitled to the natural right of a mother and father family structure

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, as I believe that each individual child has the natural right to be raised within and experience a traditional mother and father family structure.

 @8CHSC8Q from Maine  answered…4yrs4Y

If there is a gay and straight couple with the same merit - prioritise the straight couple regardless of time frame - a straight couple expects to have the option of having a child; a gay couple knows they can't conceive a biological child between them, therefore it is fairer that the straight couple are offered a place beforehand. Furthermore, a straight (mother-father) setup will make the child's life easier, and THAT is what matters the most - the child, NOT the parents.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…2yrs2Y

No, each child has the natural right to experience and be raised within a mother and father family structure. Allow gay couples to adopt only when they are found to be more suitable to meet the child's needs over any interested straight couples

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…2yrs2Y

No, each child has the right to experience and be raised within a mother and father family structure. Gay couples should be allowed to adopt only when they are found to be more psychologically and financially able to meet the child's needs over interested straight couples

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…2yrs2Y

No, each child has the natural right to experience and be raised within a mother and father family structure. Gay couples should be allowed to adopt when they are found to be more capable of meeting an individual child's needs than all interested straight couples

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…2yrs2Y

No, each child has the individual right to experience and be raised within a mother and father family structure. Gay couples should be allowed to adopt only when they are found to be more psychologically and financially fit to meet the child's needs over interested straight couples

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, as I believe that each individual child has the natural right to be raised within a mother and father family structure, but the well-being of the child should always take precedence over the wishes of any prospective parents.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, as I believe that each individual child has the natural right to be raised within and experience a mother and father family structure

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, as I believe that each individual child has the natural right to experience and be raised within a mother and father family structure

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…2yrs2Y

No, each child has the individual right to experience and be raised within a mother and father family structure. Gay couples should be allowed to adopt only when they are found to be more psychologically and financially fit to meet the child's needs over any interested straight couples

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…2yrs2Y

No, each child has the right to experience and be raised within a mother and father family structure. Gay couples should be allowed to adopt only when they are found to be more psychologically and financially fit to meet the child's needs over any interested straight couples

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…2yrs2Y

No, each child has the natural right to experience and be raised within a mother and father family structure. However, adoption agencies should allow gay couples to adopt when they are found to be more capable of meeting the child's needs over any interested straight couples

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, every individual child has the natural right to experience a mother and father family structure.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, every individual child has the natural right to experience a mother and father family structure

 @8D5J4RR from Minnesota  answered…4yrs4Y

Treat them like straight couples, because children in foster care would prefer Gay or Lesbian parents to no parents.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, every individual child has the natural right to have a mother and father family structure.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, as long as adoption agencies are prioritizing an individual child's needs above all else, regardless of the couple's sexual preference. Bi-sexual and transgender couples should be excluded from adopting children.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, as each individual child has the natural right to be raised in a mother and father family structure.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, each individual child has the natural right to be raised in a mother and father family structure.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, a child possesses a natural right to be raised in a mother and father family structure as long as the individual child's needs can be met

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, and I believe that each individual child has the natural right to be raised in a mother and father family structure.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, children of adoption possess a natural right to be raised by a mother and father as long as they are able to meet the child's individual needs

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, as I believe that an individual child possesses a natural right to be raised in a mother and father family structure as long as the child's needs can be met

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, as each individual child has the natural right to be raised in a mother and father family structure

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, as I believe that every individual child has the natural right to be raised in a mother and father family structure

 @8D937L4 from Oregon  answered…4yrs4Y

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…4yrs4Y

No, and I believe that every individual child has the natural right to be raised in a mother and father family structure

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, but individual agencies should have the right to do so based on prioritizing the well-being of each individual child

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, but individual agencies should have the right to do so, or not do so, based on prioritizing the well-being of each individual child

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

No, each child has the natural right to a mother and father family structure. Individual adoption agencies, however, should be allowed to prioritize the wellbeing of children first and foremost and offer the child to a gay couple if they are more suitable prospective parents


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