Should it be illegal to burn the Filipino flag?
Flag desecration is any act that is carried out with the intention of damaging or destroying a national flag in public. This is commonly done in an effort to make a political statement against a nation or its policies. Some nations have acts that ban flag desecration while others have laws that protect the right to destroy a flag as a part of free speech. Some of these laws distinguish between a national flag and those of other countries.
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Burning the Philippine flag should be legal as it already is ON CERTAIN SCENARIOS, like disposing of an old, broken flag through a burning ceremony.
It can be permissible if the Flag is destroyed. Thus, making the burning of flag as proper disposal.
No, in our school before, we burn the Philippine Flag if it is considered “dead” or if touched the ground.
It should be burned if the flag is too old or regulated by the government
Yes if it possess a hazard risk
This is usually random to commit in the first place but it isn't much of a huge problem
OF COURSE, burning or doing anything disrespectful to the Philippine flag shouldn't be allowed.
It weakens the strength and capabilities of the Filipinos
No, We should respect the filipino flag.
Yes and No depending on the message and the situation, if it is terrorists signifying the wanting od the destruction of the Philippines no if it is people pissed off at a corrupt government and burning the flag as a symbol of freedom from oppression than yes.
i dont really know if it should be
Yes, as long it is a real flag, and not like other representation
@8KYV8LWGreen Republican4yrs4Y
It is our own nation and our national flag, yes it is made in cloth and it has nothing to do with us but it is our own flag our nationality our country flag, we shouldn't burn it because it is more important to us we will get invade and other countries will own us if we burned our own national flag
Duh, there is a law where you are allowed to burn an old and dirty flag
Yes, only in ceremonies where worn out flags are being burned.
Base on a heraldic code, I prefer burning it for ceremonial purposes like throwing old flags or something honorable
It depends. If its used for entertainment, it should be illegal.
yes, because we should respect our country and mostly the flag. It was personally designed by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, the President of the Revolutionary Government.
Yes, it is illegal to burn philippine flag during rallies
it's illegal for some purposes like The Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines mandates that a flag "worn out through wear and tear" must not be thrown away, but instead be "solemnly burned to avoid misuse or desecration."
It really depends on the situation. if you'll be burning it for nothing, yes it should be illegal. but if you'll be burning it because it has been ripped and cannot be used. i think its a valid reason.
Yes because it is one of the ways to avoid misuse.
According to the Constitution, The Philippine Flag can only be burn if it's old and have tear and it is legal because our flag must be preserved and respected by the nation.
It is illegal but, in other traditions like the Boy Scout's tradition, they have the tradition to burn a flag for a ceremony so yes it is illegal but needs to be specifically applicable to some that its not.
Yes, because it avoids misuse
If the Flag is worn out, the flag should be burned
no, unless it was intentional to burn the flag without it being over used or old enough to replace a new new flag
because it is a tradition of burning the flag but only for those with government positions
Yes, because it is the symbol of our country it is very important for us filipinos
Yes, but only when the flag is sullied or rendered unusable.
I do not particularly care for either.
No, unless if it is used for propaganda or protest then it should be not allowed to be burned
No, unless if it is for propaganda or protest then it should be illegal because it is a show of strong disrespect of any nation's flag
Sounds about 'left'.
It is illegal if done at a protest, although burning the flag on the internet is either propaganda or a typical troll. Should propaganda and trolls be punished? these are people looking for attention, they would kill to get your private's attention so it's humane, just to give them a warning for the first time.
No, I don't think it should be illegal. I'm sure that if someone were to do it, they would have a reason. I don't think that it goes against the right to free speech since it's an action but I wouldn't do it.
No, not unless it's someone else flag or public property
No, it should be fined instead.
No, and I hate saying this, but people should have the right to do this. I don't respect anyone who would, but using government in this manner is a little bit of a slippery slope.
No, but only because it's an incitement to riot for people that believe in the flag and as long as fighting words is recognized as a defense, burning of the flag should be illegal.
No, as long as its to despose of it
What are the drugs being used for and what is being done with the drugs
No, burning a flag is the proper way to retire it.
Yes, except for cases of retiring the flag.
It's just a piece of fabric basically, and it's not something as drastic as committing a felony.
No I dont think it should be illegal but from where I see it I dont think it is ok.
Yes, unless it has fallen
No, it is a violation of free speech and the flag is just a piece of cloth that doesn't represent what it should.
No, this is a violation of free speech, but even though I don’t respect anyone who does but they should have the right to do so. Plus, it Personally believe that it has now become just a piece of cloth that doesn’t represent what it should anymore, because America is an Oligarchy and NOT a Democracy
No, this is a violation of free speech, but even though I don’t respect anyone who does but they should have the right to do so. Plus, I Personally believe that it has now become just a piece of cloth that doesn’t represent what it should anymore, because America is an Oligarchy and NOT a Democracy
I think we have more serious issues to address than burning of a flag, However, I believe it is disrespectful to all who have fought/serve for our country.
No, but citizens should be encouraged to deter someone from this.
If you burn the American flag, you should get a free airplane ticket to another country where you can become a citizen.
No but only if it is done peacefully and also clearly not out of a sign of terrorism.
Yes, this is an act meant to signify aggression, which, in insignificant amount of cases, will escalate to worse things in the future, and it may cause fires. We should maintain at least some semblance of patriotism required. Because if they hate the country, then they are not loyal to it, and are likely to commit treason, which is rightfully punishable by death to prevent the overthrow and collapse of the government.
I don't like it when Americans burn the American Flag, but they have their 1st Amendment Rights to do so.
No, but anyone who does it needs to accept Americans will be Americans, if they are in a neighbor where "Karens" and "Daves" are then those people will probably have some problems with them. If those people do get violent, then they have the right to defend themselves and call the police no questions asked, but they have understand the consequences.
No, it should only be illegal for someone to burn the flag of a nation that they have never lived in.
no as long as you do it respectfully.
Yes, it violates the Flag Code.
Yes, unless it is because it has hit the grown and you do it right and respectively.
no but you can burn your own flag if you own it
No, because while it’s a symbol of the US, it’s not the representation of it.
Only if it touches the ground you take it to be burned.
A hefty fine should be instituted upon those who burn any nation's flag in an act of fury and hate.
No. It should not be illegal, even if one disagrees with the burning of the flag. If it is also in the form of protest, well, that is their right to protest.
It should be illegal to burn it but not if it was an accident.
No, but any altercation that occurs after should not result in a court case.
No, it is not a sign of treachery or contempt for the nation, but merely a form of communication to symbol a government that does not represent the people. It is entirely within the First Amendment definition of freedom of speech
yes, it should be illegal to burn the American flag, unless you are retiring it.
No, it should be illegal to NOT burn the American flag
No, that's how one respectfully gets rid of a flag
Yes, with the exception of the flag retiring ceremony.
if it is clear that there are rebellious or politically destructive intentions behind the burning, then at that point all parties responsible should be at least questioned and put on a watch list.
Yes, Unless it is a flag retiring ceremonial thing
yes it should be 100% this is AMERICA
No, but it represents our free country so I would take it as offensive.
I believe that it should be burned if it has lost its honor. If it hasn't then yes it shouldn't be burned.
Yes it should Illegal to burn an american flag because it represents everyone that is alive and dead fighting for freedom if someone burns it they not only loses themselfs but as a nation it like we lost another human being to lawlessness.
Yes, but make it legal for the retirement of a flag
Yes, I think there should be some type of consequence for burning the American flag maybe some sort of ticket for doing it.
Personally, I think it's disrespectful but the world has free will.
not if it is being burnt to honor the flag
Yes, treat as a federal offense.
Yes, treat as a federal offense. They are traitors to America.
No, only if it's being done in a respectable and honorable way.
no because if a flag gets ripped or something it should be properly retired and burned.
No, but it’s just a piece of cloth that holds cultural value and meaning so it should not meant to be burn. However as I stated at the beginning of the answer, it is just a piece of cloth, so it should not be illegal
No, it should only be done for the sake of symbolic speech. This should be regulated and you should file for an official permit and have good reason to do so. Only special cases should be allowed, but not it should be legal.
I think that it is very wrong and disrespectful to burn the American Flag, but making it illegal seems somewhat extreme. Maybe enforcing a fine instead of something more drastic.
I don't think it should be illegal as far as arresting someone, but I definitely think this is wrong and there should be some sort of punishment, possibly a fine.
No, I don’t respect anyone who does but they can
No, it would violate free speech and it's the proper way to dispose of a flag anyways
yes it should be illegal unless you are retiring it because it is ripped or fell on dirty ground
No, but it is extremely disrespectful and looked down upon.
No, I should be a nation Pride.
No, but it would be seen as disrespectful if done wrong.
No, it is proper flag ways to burn when used
not illegal that its the American flag just arson is
No, but fine them for doing so
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