Yes, but only if a crime was comitted and they need evidence.
No. your personal data is treated almost literally in the same way as your own personal property
The government shall only be allowed to monitor when an emergency call or contact is occuring
Yes if the said individual is under investigation or is convicted.
No, Because That is their Privacy and cannot be allowed to seen by anyone
Yes, but only for those NPA
yes but only by court order in compliance to data privacy act
Yes, but only for high government officials
No, since this violates Article 12 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Right to Privacy).
VERY MUCH. Taiwan and other counties have less crime rates connected with things like this because the government can monitor phone calls and emails.
No, because phone calls and emails are private.
No because everyone would be upset because they are now in an Orwellian society.
I believed that it should be but not that so much because it will be called as a personal matters.
no so people can have their own privacy
no, because this is part of the privacy of the netizens
depends if they find something sus they can monitor the phone calls and emials tho
no, that is againts the data privacy act
no, because each person needs to have a privacy
no because we have the rights to have a privacy life. and we have the rights to have a freedom
No because its our own privacy
Yes, only if our cyber security is strengthed and secured.
Yes, only if the they have strengthened out cyber national security.
yes, to prevent terrorism, crimes, corruption, and scamming
Never. The government must NEVER be given the arbitrary power to access emails and phone calls. That is supremely unethical, highly unconstitutional, and utterly egregious violation of a person's privacy. Goverment can only monitor phone calls and emails of someone or a group of people after if they can obtain a warrant. But only after presenting legal, justifiable, and/or national security-related reasons to a judge.
@8LL4KPMDemocratic Front4yrs4Y
No, Because it's our privacy they should not able to monitor it ,they should just investigate the bad people but they not monitor our privacy thing.
Yes but only for proven terrorists
No. This is a violation of privacy.
No, and all Espionage (CSIS, CSE, et al...) should be banned.
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