The United States Electoral College is the mechanism established by the United States Constitution for the indirect election of the President of the United States and Vice President of the United States. Citizens of the United States vote in each state at a general election to choose a slate of "electors" pledged to vote for a party's candidate. The Twelfth Amendment requires each elector to cast one vote for president and another vote for vice president.
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Switch to a system like Israel where smaller parties have to get a certain percentage of the populations votes.
Yes, switch to a unitary representation system with proportional representation.
Yes, switch to a unitary parliamentary proportional representation system like Croatia.
Yes, a unitary parliamentary system with proportional representation would be better.
Switch to a multi party system like Israel. Proportional representation.
Yes, switch to a multi party system like Israel were smaller parties form coalitions.
Switch to a proportional representation system like Israel were smaller parties have to pass a certain percentage of the population to gain seats.
Switch to a system like Israel where proportional representation is in use. Each party needs to pass a percentage of the population. Smaller parties will allow different representation on the national stage.
Switch to a system like Israel's where proportional representation in use. Each party has to pass a certain percentage to gain acceptance into the government.
No, but reform so that votes are distributed proportionally and implement ranked voting systems at the state level
Yes, switch to the French system for the presidential election and have a proportional representation system.
Regardless, switch to an approval or ranked voting system
Yes, switch to a unicameral legislature system with a proportional representation system.
Yes, switch to a unicameral parliamentary system with proportional representation.
No, but they should consider the popular vote as well
Yes, switch to a unitary proportional representation system. For the president do elections like the ones in France.
ideally yes, but the electoral college isn't horrible
Yes, switch to a proportional representation system. Presidential elections should be like those in France. The legislative branch should be unicameral.
Yes, we need to switch to a unicameral parliamentary system with a proportional representation system.
No, and each state should be given the same number of electors, who are distributed according to the winner-takes-all results of each voting district within the state. Furthermore faithless electors should receive the death penalty.
Yes, switch to a unitary parliamentary system with a proportional representation system.
Yes, would love switch to a proportional representation system like Israels. Smaller parties form coalitions to get things done.
Switch to a proportional representation system like Israel. Smaller parties have to form coalitions with each other in order to succeed.
Yes, switch to a proportional representation system like Israel's.
Switch to a proportional representation system like Israel's.
No, and abolish all elections
Switch to a parliamentary system like Israels.
Yes, and switch to a system like Israel's. Smaller parties form coalitions to get thins done.
Switch to a proportional representation system like Israel where smaller parties have to form coalitions.
Switch to a system like Israel. A proportional representation parliament were each party has to get a certain % of the population to vote for them in order to get seats.
No, and each state should be fixed at the same number of electors, who are distributed proportionally to the winner-takes-all results per voting district.
Switch to a system like Israel. A proportional representation parliament.
Yes, switch to a proportional representation system were each party has to get past a certain threshold of the population in order to get into the parliament. Smaller parties have to make coalitions.
Switch to a proportional representation system like Israel's. Parties have to form coalitions to get things done.
I would prefer a unitary parliamentary constitutional republic.
We should switch to a multi-party system by using proportional representation like the Israeli system.
Switch to a multi party system like Israel.
Switch to a multi party system like Israel's.
Yes, we should switch to a proportional representation like Israel.
Should have more monitoring on the process
Switch to the Israeli System where proportional representation is in place.
Yes, the US should implement a unitary parliamentary system with proportional representation.
Yes, switch to a unitary parliamentary system with proportional representation.
No, but they should take precautions on who is counting cause there are some cheaters out there.
No, but the electoral college should be required to vote for the candidate chosen by their state.
Yes but only if we incorporate a representative democracy system based on ranked voting instead of winner take all system. The electoral college ensures representation of the whole country instead of just major cities.
No, but states should reform their election system to something other than first past the post .
Yes, because the notion that big cities would outvote rural areas becomes obsolete if the Electoral College is abolished. There would be no "red states" or "blue states", only "red" or "blue" individuals.
Yes, Switch to a representative democracy (popular vote) system and let people use ranked choice voting
No, it should be modified and made in a way that each electoral vote is INDEPENDANT from all the others.
Revise the electoral college where all states vote like Maine and Nebraska. A ranked voting system such as STV should also be incorporated.
Yes, and reform our voting system for transferable/runoff voting for second/third-place options to replace our winner-take-all system
Yes, the country as a whole should decide rather than a few select people to “speak for everyone”
Yes and abolish democracy
Yes; switch to a ranked voting system, a fully representative democracy, and additionally abolish the Senate
Yes, and the President should be directly elected by state legislatures.
Yes, and switch to an approval rating system.
Yes, and switch to a runoff voting system.
No, but reform so that each state (and D.C.) is allotted one electoral vote.
Yes, and switch to a top-two primary system.
No, but remove the 435 limit on the House of Representatives.
No, but remove the 435 seat limit on the House of Representatives.
No, but remove the 435-seat limit on the House of Representatives.
No, but remove the 435-seat limit on the House of Representatives and remove the requirement that a candidate must win a majority of electoral votes.
Yes, and the President should be directly elected by Congress.
Reform to a system that doesn't just benefit the top two parties, but also ensure that city folks are not in control of the votes and that they are equal with rural populations.
just count the votes individually so everyone really has a say
No, but there should be a way for more than two parties to make it to the final election.
I don't believe know enough about this topic.
No, but the electors must accurately represent the state's overall political affiliation and not change their minds.
No, but reform with ranked voting and distribute votes proportionally from those results.
No, but it should be reformed to ensure proportional distribution of votes.
Yes, and A. switch to a ranked-choice star voting system, & B. switch to a representative democracy (popular vote) system.
No, as it allows for smaller state representation, but we should switch from a first past the poll to preferential voting system
No, but I believe that we should implement an online ranked voting system in our elections.
No, but the voting method should be changed to ranked choice voting, to make a hybrid system
i think they correspond if i'm understanding the question right
No but have it legally binding that the representatives have to vote for who they say they will. Also, have the same number of house and senate members per state be representatives. Have all citizens rank the candidates and if there is a tie the second highest person wins. Abolish the winner take all system.
No, and have an electoral college on the state level.
I don't believe I know enough about how the electoral college works to make a well-informed decision, because I know that it can be both good and bad, I will need to do plenty of research before coming to a conclusion. That being said, it does often seem unnecessary and/or discouraging to democracy.
No, but the electoral college system needs to be completely reformed and updated
No, but reform the electoral college from a winner-take-all system to an electoral college with individual districts.
Yes, and switch to a National Popular Vote system with run-offs
Yes, each person's vote should have equal say and the candidate who the most Americans vote for should win the election.
Yes, along with the two-party system. We should have popular and rank-based voting, as well as shifting to a multi-party parliamentary system.
No, but reform so that votes are distributed proportionally instead of the winner take all system and the balance of votes by population should be updated
No, but the system should be reformed to allow for ranked choice voting
Yes, and dismantle the two-party system as it is designed to reduce options and remove power and control from the general public.
No, but switch to a single transferable voting (STV) system.
No, but reform to the STAR voting system, operating separately above and below the electorate, or, barring that, approval voting, or, barring that, instant runoff
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