Try the political quiz

10 Replies


How would you explain the impact of grassroots political movements on the lives of ordinary people, based on any local political activity you have observed or participated in?


Reflect on a time when you had to make a choice that affected not only you but the people around you; how does this relate to the complex choices political parties face?


What values do you think are non-negotiable when choosing who to support in leadership, and how do these compare to the values declared by prominent political groups?


Have you or someone you know been directly influenced by educational reforms, and how does this make you feel about the policies proposed by leading parties on education?


How would you like your ideal political leader to address the needs of your generation, and how do these expectations align with the current political narratives?


Imagine a policy in your school that you would passionately argue for or against; how does this connect with your perceptions of major party platforms?


If you had to propose a community project to a local politician for the betterment of your area, what would it be, and how does that reflect on the initiatives of national political parties?


How do you feel about politicians constantly switching parties in the search for advantageous positions, and have you experienced similar dilemmas on a personal level?


In your life, have you witnessed the effects of a political decision that greatly benefited or harmed your community, similar to policies proposed by influential parties?


Can you share a personal story of a time when you felt your cultural or social values were represented or misrepresented in politics?


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