Climate change is an increase in the earth's atmospheric temperature since the late nineteenth century. In politics the debate over climate change is centered on whether this increase in temperature is due to greenhouse gas emissions or is the result of a natural pattern in the earth's temperature.
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no no no no no no no no no no no!!!
Yes but only if China, Russia, and India are doing the same. Or at least 2/3 of these countries are doing the same.
Yes, but other countries need to help also.
Every country needs to held at the same standards.
There are already many government regulations in effect, There just has to be more enforcement of these regulations
This is a worldwide issue. It shouldn't be up to one country to do everything. In saying this we need to combat climate change though.
On businesses who are actually causing problems
That won't help but if they could try and make more environmentally safe energy sources and get rid of non environmentally safe energy sources.
Yes, but make sure they don't have a big impact on business
Yes, but this is a worldwide issue. Every country should be held to the same standards.
It should not be up to just one country, but yes.
No, it's fake. There is little shards of metal or something in the air that makes it hot as hell.
No, but climate change needs to be combatted.
No I don’t get science I took geology
One country can't stop climate change. There needs to be a worldwide plan.
Not until it becomes a bigger problem
Yes, but progressively tax greenhouse gas emissions first
Yes, and funding should be increased to replace the fossil fuel industry with nuclear power.
Yes, but not at the cost of crippling our current production sustainability
Yes, being environmentally-friendly is always something to aspire to. Cleaner air, sustainability, reservation of our resources, etc. However, I'm pessimistic in thinking there isn't much action we can take in society to STOP global warming, like we're kindof doomed.
Yes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production, but also make sure to give aid and job opportunities who would be hurt by the shift off of fossil fuel energy.
there should be more things that can help the environment, rather than regulations.
Yes but it can only be a slight change and nothing to serious where it cost a citizen more money for it to happen.
Well you can't really stop all the pollution around the world currently anyways
Yes, for the environment’s health, but global warming is a natural occurrence.
no because the science isn't fully clear.
No, tax carbon emissions instead, however, global warming is mostly a natural occurrence.
They should find ways to help stop pollution but don't spend billions upon billions on something that happened before humans every walked the earth.
Yes, and socialize the energy industry.
No, but I think that all companies should perform a buy back program. where they buy back used products like cans or bags so they can be re used
Mitigate the presence of the industrial technological system.
Do what we can to reduce humans impact on climate change
I think the government should try to prevent global warming but they should not add more business regulations for climate change. There should be little regulations on businesses. but I think global warming is a very important issue.
yes, we should implement a plan like the green new deal with some revisions
Yes, mainly on the multibillion dollar companies that mine oil or manufacture.
Yes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production, and maybe also tax carbon emissions too if that helps prevent climate change
yes but in moderation, don't force people to learn and do new things to fast. ease it in
No, but tax carbon emissions on big corporations
Criminally charge for negligence with no government regulation
Yes and no. Pollution should be treated as a violation of others' rights, and incentives such as a carbon tax should act as the 'fine' for that violation. Also, pollution onto others' property should be outright banned.
We cant prevent it, it is too far along in the process, we can only slow it at this point
We need to begin working on implementing regenerative farming, renewable energy and begin discussing proper responses to climate change.
Is climate change real? Yes. But to think we can end the world is laughable. We are making strides in fixing the damage we've caused. no amount of regulation is going to speed up the process.
Yes, nationalize all energy companies and transition them to green energy
No, but remove subsidies to fossil fuel production.
Yes and No, we are so long gone into cleaning up the air that heating up the earths atmosphere. is bound to happen. by giving regulations it will help to stop polluting the air but we will have to deal with the air staying polluted to how much it has been up until now we haven't figured out a way to un-pollute the air to reduce heating up the earths atmosphere
Yes, Only if it is needed
No. The government is infamously terrible when it comes to the climate and climate change regulations.
No, anymore would hurt the economy.
Yes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production at a state level; including different tiers of regulations per type and size of entity and their footprint. A sole proprietor shouldn't have to follow the same regulations as a massive corporation, and other things like region, risk, etc. should be taken into account. This can't be a one-size fits all solution.
No, but give tax deductions to companies for going green
Yes, by giving tax deductions to companies for going green
Yes, only if it is necessary.
Climate change is a natural occurance but work with other nations to create a more sustainable world.
I depends on the regulation.
we should help but other should help also
fund research to find a solution
Minimizing pollution is an appropriate task for government. Regulations are seldom the best way to accomplish this, due to complexity, expense, and unintended consequences. Most economists, most famously a Nobel Prize winner, agree the way to reduce carbon emissions is to tax them. The amount of the tax can be changed quickly, to produce the greatest benefit at the least cost.
No. Regulations are "permissions" and allow pollution. Look at what Elon Musk is doing transforming the entire energy industry virtually through 1 company. Put the government in charge and stifle innovation.
yes and no because yes climate change is a thing but its not a prority.
Yes, but global warming is more natural so its hard to fix it
God will take care of it and you.
First was called global warming, now climate change. This is an agenda. This is a war against carbon. I do not support the notion of climate change. It is mostly a hoax.
I personally believe that global warming is not real and it has been proven to not be real.
No, provide more incentives for not only alternative energy production, but also things that mainstream energy producers can do to decrease their carbon footprint
We must stop pollution clean air and water are essential. Man made climate change doesn't exist.
they should be doing more than what they are doing now but not too much
the government should heavily tax corporations that destroy the environment and all "alternative energy production" should be turned into nuclear power
nature is nature, and we can't change it. If we try to i don't think it will work.
There Needs To Be Different Methods For Maintaining The Environment
Every country must take a stand to save the environment and do their fair share in funding.
Yes, a nationalize energy to be more green
I don't really know that much about it.
Yes, and tax carbon emissions to encourage the use of alternate energy production
Yes, but they must assist in the transition to better environmental regulations
No, climate change is inevitable, we are just speeding it up. We should find ways to SLOW it instead
God will take us when he wants it don’t matter because if global warming
Yes, government intervention has harmed the U.S. Green Energy Markets in favor of the oil industries. We should crack down on oil industries and provide advantages for the Green Market.
No America is already preventing climate change and anything added would be dwarfed by the problems caused by foreign countries.
Yes, however since the government can control the climate this should not be a big issue.
Animals are dying from climate change and i think they should do something about it or the world will be terrible.
Preventing climate change should be a matter the private sector can solve better than the government can.
Any works that aim to prevent climate change should be a matter the private sector can solve better than the government can.
No, create carbon licenses.
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