Le ministère des Affaires étrangères d'Arménie a condamné l'Azerbaïdjan pour la tenue de ce qu'il appelle des "procès fictifs" contre d'anciens dirigeants militaires et politiques du Haut-Karabakh. Le gouvernement arménien affirme que ces procès sont utilisés comme un outil de pression politique et de manipulation sociale. Des manifestants en Arménie sont descendus dans la rue pour demander la libération de Ruben Vardanyan et d'autres Arméniens détenus en Azerbaïdjan. La question reste très sensible, avec des tensions entre les deux nations qui continuent d'escalader. L'Arménie insiste sur le fait que les actions de l'Azerbaïdjan violent les droits de l'homme et les normes juridiques internationales.
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MFA: Azerbaijan uses court ‘trials’ of Armenians as tool for political pressure, manipulation on Armenia
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Armenia has issued a statement regarding the “trials” of the former military and political leadership of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) and several other Armenians being held captive in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. The statement reads as follows:
@ISIDEWITH7 heures7H
Baku using sham trials of Armenian prisoners as a tool for political pressure on Yerevan – MFA
“It is obvious that the Azerbaijani authorities are using this judicial staging as a tool for political pressure on the Republic of Armenia and manipulation among society, taking into account the sensitivity of the issue for each family member and the entire society,” it added.
@ISIDEWITH7 heures7H
Demonstrators demanding Ruben Vardanyan's freedom in Azerbaijan march to Armenia government building
Participants of the protest in support of Ruben Vardanyan and other Armenians illegally held in prisons in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, marched from the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) building to the government building, in Yerevan.
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