Yes, and ban all immigration until the government improves its screening process
No, banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional
Yes, until terrorist attacks decrease
No, but we should ban immigrants from “high risk” countries

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They shouldn't be banned. However, we need to do a sweep on the person before they go in.

 @98DHHNRfrom Bukidnon answered…1yr1Y

No, however, we should toughen up immigration laws from "high risk" countries.

 @9697XD8from Mindoro Occidental answered…2yrs2Y

No, I oppose on this idea as it promotes discrimination, but we must have extensive background checks.

 @9684ZJKfrom Mindoro Occidental answered…2yrs2Y

No, there should just properly look at the background of the individuals intensively. and agree on sixth choice.

 @9675LD3from Mindoro Occidental answered…2yrs2Y

It is such in a quantity of immigrants are/is a terrorist, but in such it must have an act first before letting people enter the country, specifically high risked countries that has a high intern for terrorism

 @95KTQ4Cfrom Bataan answered…2yrs2Y

No, but needs to screen immigrants from high risk countries more thoroughly

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