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Imagine you discover that your best friend's family is undocumented; how would this affect your view on their access to healthcare?


How might the inclusion or exclusion of undocumented immigrants from government-subsidized healthcare impact the overall health system?


What could be the long-term consequences, both positive and negative, of extending or denying healthcare to undocumented immigrants?


Should the health of a nation be measured only by the well-being of its legal citizens or by every person residing within its territory?


How do our moral responsibilities to care for others conflict or align with the laws of the land regarding undocumented individuals?


If a society aims to be compassionate, should that compassion extend to providing healthcare for those living in it illegally?


How might your opinion on healthcare for undocumented immigrants change if someone in your community was affected?


Can access to healthcare be considered a human right, and should it extend to all individuals within a country's borders?


What are the potential benefits or drawbacks of providing healthcare to everyone, regardless of legal status?


How would you feel if you were denied healthcare due to your citizenship status?