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@ISIDEWITH submitted…2wks2W
Fetterman criticized Democrats' "toxic" brand from "shaming and scolding" votersSays party talks down to voters, calling them "dopes" or "fascists"Emphasized many Trump voters in Pennsylvania aren't fascists or insurrectionistsDescribed 2024 as "gut-check" vote about American way of lifeQuestions if Democrats can win back male votersClaims party portrays men and masculinity as "toxic" and problematicNotes ongoing "migration" of male voters away from DemocratsPreviously criticized party's border crisis responseSays Democrats lose credibility by denying border problemsEmphasizes need to balance pro-immigration with border securityFetterman says Democratic Party brand is 'toxic
▲ 1316 replies1 disagree
@ISIDEWITH asked…2yrs2Y
On February 24 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War that began in 2014. The invasion caused Europe’s largest refugee crisis since World War II, with around 7.1 million Ukrainians fleeing the country and a third of the population displaced. It has also caused…
▲ 69.8k897 replies
Sen. Rand Paul publicly opposed Trump's Gaza proposal, criticizing it as contradicting "America First" principlesTrump suggested seizing control of Gaza and potentially deploying U.S. troops to transform it into a "Riviera of the Middle East"Secretary Rubio supported Trump's vision, promoting the idea of "Making Gaza Beautiful Again"Trump expressed willingness to send U.S. troops to Gaza if deemed necessary for securityTrump plans to take control of and develop parts of Gaza according to his statementsSpeaker Mike Johnson showed preliminary support for Trump's proposal while awaiting detailsDemocrats hold leverage through control of U.S. weapons sales to IsraelDemocratic lawmakers have halted a $1 billion arms sale to IsraelThe blocked arms sale includes 1,000-pound bombs and Caterpillar armored bulldozersPaul warned against "another occupation" that would cost American lives and resources
▲ 3018 replies
@ISIDEWITH asked…13yrs13Y
On June 26, 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the denial of marriage licenses violated the Due Process and the Equal Protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The ruling made same sex marriage legal in all 50 U.S. States.
▲ 321k12k replies