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Neither, service should be a choice not an obligation but if inherently needed in times of war, preparations must be of education and skill development alongside harbouring training in combat knowledge.
Yes, but it shouldn't only be limited to prioritizing military combat skills, but also in the field of giving aid (medic), and enhancing skills needed to survive if an unwanted war came through. They also should consider the abilities of each person considering that every person is different in terms of health and capabilities.
No, better off acknowledging the 2nd amendment
This would be good for people who have to job instead of everyone because people who have a dream would rather focous on that. Probably mandate them to undecided and people with no jobs?
No. Make it optional and we should focus on academic education.
No, because of some 18 year old's has no capability such as being quick person, or such be an intelligent in the field, Examples of Health relations, heart diseased people, people with ad-hd
Yes, especially the men so the Filipino citizens can be more independent.
No, our armed forces is too woefully understaffed, inadequate, corrupt, and under equipped.
Yes, except for those with pre-existing health conditions like asthma
No, Service should be a choice and Guns are still illegal here so why bother lmao
Yes, but only if the economy is much better than before
No, Milton Fridman claimed that Conscription is inadequate in capitalist countries
Yes but make combat roles optional
No, every citizen should be armed and receive training however.
Yes, but also include First Responder as an alternative to military service
Citizens should be required to provide service in some form, but not required military service.
No, but everyone should be required to do two years of some sort of service work (military, government, nonprofit, etc.)
only if we are in times of crisis
Those physically and mentally able should but those who arent shouldnt
no unless they are able to drink and or smoke after
the age of enlistment should be at 21 years, joining the military should be on a voluntary and unpaid basis rather than mandatory (e.g. conscription)
No, that is a fascist policy
No, however it should be an alternative to prison like it used to be.
Yes, but it should be military or other public service
service should be a choice instead of an obligation
No, but should incentivize National Service (including military) bonus for those who serve (such as tuition, education, financial reward of mortgage/rent and/or 401K pension programs).
Yes, but these draftees should not be sent outside the US
No, but two years of any kind of national service, ie. military, peace corps, etc. for college-aged individuals.
No offer voluntary self defense classes instead
No, this would be a giant waste of money and resources. There is no need, there are more men and women enlisted than ever to where they're having to cut bak on enlistment benefits. Also having people who don't want to be there will cause trouble and it will get to the point where they'll have these mandated people piecing a puzzle together for a days work (the supply will exceed the demand).
Yes, but allow for people to opt out for public service instead
Yes, but only those with a criminal background and only if we have an abolition of both the 13th amendment, as well all incentives of both recruiters and prisons to meet quotas, would also add the abolition of private prison systems all together.
If it can be done in a way to reduce the aggressive recruitment tactics of the military that pull in the most vulnerable individuals, then yes, though there should be exemptions available.
2 years active or 4 reserve (while attending college) to earn free college
No, but they should be required to provide one year of some form of government service
Yes but I think we should stay there till we are 21. We will have the discipline then and if we want out at 21 we will have a better view on things and can come out and have a better idea of what we want our future to look like.
Yes, and it should be at least three years they should also have access to insurance and education after serving.
Yes, it should be two years of service but the citizen should have a choice between military or civil service through a system like Americorps.
No, unless we are in war, then enlist as many 18 year olds as possible. But when were not in war, not everyone is fit to be in the military service, they will break.
No, but provide more benefits for service to encourage young people to enlist.
No. I do belive that giving some young adults the option of going into the military instead of going to prison for some offenses would be beneficial in many ways. One it would help rehabilitate them and give them a sense of pride and honor. It will also strengthen our national defense.
if the military needs help
1 year health screening and training, to see if they like it. No combat or tours.
No, Requiring Someone to serve in the military is unconstitutional
No, not military service, but public service.
No, service should be a choice instead of an obligation and abolish selective services
Yes, but with a possible deferment to the Army Corp of Engineers. There they can learn a trade and help rebuild American's crumbling infrastructure.
yes, to make them better people
everyone that is able should have to have some kind of tie with the military because it is a good way of motivation and experience
Yes, with the option of national service rather than military service. (E.g. community involvement programs)
The military does not want criminals, they like people who have education and skills. Few children at age 18 know what direction they want to pursue, public service for a year - be it military or other service would be very beneficial to aiding maturity for youth. Colleges today generally prolong adolescence.
Yes, 4 years of service in the reserves in exchange for 4 years of college tuition free.
No, but enforce anyone aged 18+ and of either sex to conscript in the event of a major war
No, service should be a choice. The people we'd be mandating to serve would do more harm than good.
There should be two years of mandatory service or 4 years and immunity to the draft or further conscription.
Yes, but only because the country is currently in a complicated geopolitical situation
Yes, I believe it will benefit society.
Yes, they should be required to provide at least 2 years, but only in the reserves, which includes mandatory boot camp and training.
No, Milton claimed that conscription is inadequate in capitalist countries
No, Milton Friedman argued that conscription was unfair in capitalist countries.
No, Milton Friedman argues that conscription is unfair in capitalist countries.
No, Milton Friedman argues that conscription is unfair in a capitalist country..
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