The death penalty or capital punishment is the punishment by death for a crime. Currently 58 countries worldwide allow the death penalty (including the U.S.) while 97 countries have outlawed it.
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For me, in this generation should not allowed the death penalty because this generation is lock of justice so that the judgment most of the time is not really the truth due of the lock of justice and also sometimes cause of higher position that can mark them to hide the real judgment.
No but balance it with tiered life sentences. The more heinous the crime should be with imprisonment at very hard labor.
Only for crimes that warrant that kind of punishment.
No, Philippines has current poor justice system under this administration.
yes, as long as we have a fair justice system
No, spending life in prison receiving daily tortures is a harsher sentence.
No, the current justice system is not fair for poor so many innocent might be convicted
the death penalty is not a solution to reduce crime in the world because i believe that everyone has a reason why they do something or make a mistake
Depending on the crime committed
No because only the poor people are always sentence to death penalty but the rich one not. There's no equity.
No, becuase there is still a need to revise and do something about the justice system.
yes, but only if we have better and improved Justice System
Yes, but with the current status of our justice system the death penalty will only end up benefiting the rich and can be manipulated by people in power to throw innocent people into the death line. so No, for now.
Yes, but only for those who are surely guilty with evidences and not for those who were accused just because they are suspected.
Yes, if the trial will be held fairly and investigate thoroughly if he/she really did it
Yes, for those people who create heinous crimes that a citizen consider as community's enemy.
I would agree if it would be a petition between both sides of the accused and the accuser's family deciding what punishment should be done. Also, legitimate evidence is required before deciding to punish the convict to prevent false accusations. There should be a punishment for false accusers too, but death penalty is not to be involved this time.
Yes, but only if my side is in power.
No, only God can punished those who commited sins.
Yes, They should face their consequences
It depends if the sin is unforgivable then no.
NO, Because I Believe that people can still change
Yes, if only they're proven guilty.
No, it's better to let them stay in prison
the victim or the victim's family should decide and it depends on how serious the crime is
yes but only for heinous crimes
It depends because sometimes innocents are receiving death penalty while others who really committed the crime is there outside, watching and having fun.
@8KYV8LWGreen Republican4yrs4Y
I do not support death penalty, it only cause many people die becuase of the crime they did, being lived in the prison is more better than giving them death penalty, giving them a chance to change.
No, not until the justice system will be better because a lot of innocent are being convicted
It depends on the situation, if there's enough evidence to prove
It depends on the situation especially if the evidence are overwhelming.
I support this not because I want bad guys to die but because if this is proven true, that death penalty is true, I think it will be a way for the crime rate to decrease because criminals will be scared to commit a crime if death penalty is proven fair.
We don't have the right to take other person lives
It depends on the level of crime committed.
I think death penalty doesn't always applies on every case. We must always choose to look or to see where most citizen will benefit while of course having a fair justice system both side.
Yes, but in a way where the criminal gets used for a science experiment/ drug experiments
no because I believe people can change
I support death penalty, if the person only is convicted many times of so many heavy crimes.
Only when our justice system is improved and the presented proofs in court is a hundred percent concrete.
The people does not have the right to kill but I support death penalty not because I don't believe in that commandment. But the thing is, if it is proven that death penalty will be fair, those who has the guts the do wrongdoings will be scared to commit crimes. If it is really implemented with fairness and just then I approve of it because I think it will lessen the crime of the society. The evil ones will now be afraid of committing a crime.
for me no because it can be used for conspiracy
I am neutral with the death penalty
With a better justice system, yes.
Yes, but only if the country's justice system is fixed so that no one who was innocently convicted would receive such punishment.
Would violate the human rights and no study show that death penalty is effective.
No, because death penalty is anti poor and majority of the people who are the victims of death penalty are innocent. Just fix first the justice system before they support this.
Yes, but if our justice system here in the Philippines has zero corruption but for now, No.
Yes, if only our justice system is in its highest quality
No. Anti poor and we should fix the Justice system first
We must focus more on improving our justice system than death penalty.
No, because there are cases that judges get payed by rich people and to make the suspect be a criminal without justice since our justice system is not so good or very poor.
No, not until the justice system is fixed and fair enough because many people are innocently convicted through the power of influence and money, and only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence.
Yes, but only for the crimes of treason, sedition, espionage, murder, rape, and kidnapping of a minor when it is carried out by way of lethal injection, hanging, firing squad, or gas chamber
Yes, bring back public executions for rapists, any unprovoked murder, anything against animals, and other heinous crimes with absolute evidence.
Sort of. I do not like how the government can execute someone but I do believe that public executions should be brought back. Anyone who has harmed an animal, unprovoked murder, or have raped someone should be publicly hung or shot in the head.
No, this is state sanctioned murder and is not a very effective tool at eliminating violent crime.
Yes, But only with crimes against children, and people with vulnerabilities.
No, the death penalty is to costly
Yes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence And mandate it nationwide.
Abolish life sentences and replace them with the death penalty.
Yes and mandate it nationwide
I believe it should all depend on the person and situation.
Yes, but only for convicts who committed murder while incarcerated.
Yes, but only for inmates who committed murder while incarcerated.
Yes, but only for inmates who commit murder while incarcerated.
Yes, but only as a last resort, where life imprisonment shall also be an alternative
Yes, but only as a last resort, where life imprisonment shall also be an alternative (life for those who were 21 years or older at the time of the crime, 50 years for those under 21 years)
I think it depends on what the person have done. Sometimes they deserve a second chance.
Yes, but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence, because too many people are innocently convicted. Plus, I think that spending life in prison is a harsher sentence because the dead don't suffer unless their soul was sent to hell that is.
Only if there is objective evidence that it is the ONLY way to stop the person from committing a violent crime.
Yes, but an alternative of using these convicts for science experiments to advance technology and medicine would do a better service to the community, nation, and world
No, Exodus 20:13 "You shall not kill"
Yes, but only with euthanasia that kills instantly.
Yes but in practice it is too costly - at least in California.
No, too many people are innocently convicted - even though in theory I would say yes for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence, I do not trust the government to execute this sufficiently
No, the death penalty is state-sponsored murder, and is therefore immoral
Yes, but improve it to go faster and ensure no innocent person is killed.
No, it is no longer necessary with modern technology
Yes, but only if the alternative is life without parole.
No because the death penalty costs way more than life without parole.
Yes, but only for white-collar crimes
Yes, but only for certain white-collar crimes
No, if the death pentality is for extreme cases of murder then murdering said criminals should count thus rendering the process useless.
Yes, but only when the criminal is unrehabilitatable
Yes, but only for cases involving murder
too many people are innocently convicted
Yes, we cannot risk the escape of convicted murderers or sex offenders
State issue, not Federal.
No, but the decision should belong to the states.
Yes, only for sex crimes and school shooters
No, as appeals cases are tiresome to the court systems and end up costing more money to tax payers
No, as appeals cases are tiresome the court systems and end up costing more money to tax payers
no. end the death penalty for murder and other crimes but allow it in the case of war crimes, attempted genocide, and extreme terrorist attacks, like 9/11.
at this moment I don;t know.
No, nearly four percent of people sentenced to death are innocent. The injections used in administrating the death penalty were also not developed by doctors, as it would violate a doctor's oath to do no harm. This results in a painful process with one step solely for the benefit of the onlooker. It's also cheaper to sentence someone to a life in prison. I also just think that it's wrong.
People who commit harsh and terribly horrific crimes with undeniable evidence might deserve the death penalty. I also agree that spending life in prison and dealing with the hardships of prison is the harsher sentence.
No, as I feel the death penalty only does more harm. However, I feel those who qualify for the death penalty, should receive punishments that their crimes deserve.
Yes however the victims family or families should be able to request the legally and fairly convicted person be put through the crimes they committed or sentenced to life in prison without parole.
This depends. Case by case basis. In the instance of Nancy Pelosi, Bill Gates and George Soros - YES!
Yes, but as an optional alternative to life without parole
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