Genetically modified foods (or GM foods) are foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering.
No, but increase the area and production of natural crops and foods instead.
Yes, as long as they are labelled as genetically engineered when they sold in the market, and if the product undergo proper research before its release. Also, researchers should find a way to make these things without damaging the soil its planted in.
Yes, as long as these are not harmful
bruh the farmed food is technically gmo since its been bred to be the better version for millenia but dont be too trusting of labgrown stuff or the ones modded from plant based
Again, if you agree with this then farmers would lose their job, fishermen etc. Would lose their job. If you disagree with this, fishermen and farmers etc. would be living the same lifestyle, the same salary. But if Genetic Engineering is approved, then the salary of farmers, fishermen should be increased if they are be hired by a company (who made genetic engineering possible).
if it is researched and tested thoroughly and is safe and will provide benefits that are better than the ones now
Only if approved by the FDA.
yes, as long as it is approve by the accredited agency
yes, as long as it is safe and not harmful for our health
yes, must be healthy and natural, and no chemicals, and sold at in low price
After they secure that this won't harm the environment, animals and humans. These goods should have an identification that it was genetically engineered when sold.
Yes, fully labelled like advertising and in controlled growing so there is no accidental cross breading on the lands of others.
No, ban genetic engineering, GMOs cause cancer and Monsanto is evil and needs to go
Yes and no only if their grown in lab greenhouses with heavy monitoring and heavily test them to see if they're adequate and if they have a negative impact or destroy biodiversity also so the won't interfere with other crops also increase biodiversity in food sector
Yes, The Philippine production of goods is lacking. It is worse than it was then
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