Try the political quiz

3 Replies


Leaders are supposed to serve the people, not themselves. While they argue, the price of rice is still high, and Filipinos are suffering. Who’s actually working for us here? People's power might be the only solution.

 @GloomyR3gulationConservatismfrom Bohol  commented…10hrs10H

Respect for the rule of law should be the priority. If VP Duterte is guilty, then let the process prove it. But for officials to backstab and politicize within their own ranks? That's not leadership; that's chaos.

 @86NNY5QProgressive Left from Louisiana  commented…10hrs10H

If Sandro was the first to sign the impeachment, doesn’t that say something about the lack of unity and transparency in leadership? Maybe it's time for leaders to focus on accountability instead of protecting each other.

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