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 @9HNZ4M8from Bataan  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but first amend the legal provisions governing marriage, such as the Family Code

 @8C6KL4ZIndependentfrom Mindoro Occidental  answered…5yrs5Y

No, they will be allowed by law to adopt children which many research shows have severe negative implications to childrens' development.


Yes, people have no right to decide for what others want to do with their lives. It does not affect anyone negatively. Love is love <333



Marriage should be a consensual agreement between two adults, so yes. Keep the government out of these kinds of decisions.


How would you feel if you weren't allowed to marry the person you love based on a law?


Imagine finding your perfect partner but society's rules prevent you from marrying; what emotions does that evoke?


Can the recognition of love between any two adults affect your personal life; if so, how?


Should the government have a say in who gets to marry whom, or is that a personal liberty?


How does the legal validation of any loving relationship impact the social fabric of our communities?


What does marriage equality mean to you, and why do you think it has become such a pivotal issue in society?


Does the legality of a marriage change the value of the love and commitment between two people?


Why do you think some people are deeply affected by the marriage rights of others who they don’t personally know?


If a friend or family member's same-sex marriage wouldn't directly implicate your life, would you oppose it, and on what grounds?


In terms of equal rights and personal freedoms, how important is it to you that all couples, regardless of gender, have the right to marry?

 @92SRCMY from California  answered…3yrs3Y

its a person's choice and I don't really see nothing wrong with it, it doesn't hurt me

  @928PJ8Q from California  answered…3yrs3Y



No, it is a contradiction in terms and therefore impossible to legalize, since the definition of marriage is the legal union of one man and one woman for life.



Government should stay out of marriage. Marriage is a consensual agreement between two adults.


Yes, the government has no right in making these decisions. Two consensual adults agreeing to marry should be the basis of marriage.




Yes, marriage is a consensual agreement between two consenting adults. The government should have no say in it.



i believe that there was a male and female put on this earth for them not for girls and girl or guys and guys to date or have intercourse. but it dont bother me


Marriage is a consensual agreement between two adults. The government has no say in the matter.


Marriage should be an agreement between two consenting adults; get politics out of private life.


I don't support it per se, but I do support the civil liberties of those who choose who they love.

 @8QB4L7Q from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Like abortion, the Constitution does not refer to marriage and therefore it should be not manipulated into doing should be left up to the States

 @8QHRLTL from Georgia  answered…4yrs4Y

It does not matter to me whether or not it is legalized, it does not affect my life.

 @8LHBBC5 from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

yes, I still can't grasp this concept. if you don't support same-sex marriage, simply don't get into a same-sex marriage. I fully understand if it's not your thing or maybe because of religious reasons you're not the biggest supporter. but, if someone else wants to get married that's THEIR business, and if it makes you uncomfortable, oh well not everything's going to accommodate you.

 @92T3ZDG from Kentucky  answered…3yrs3Y

 @925J4Q8 from Missouri  answered…3yrs3Y

 @6HDD83R from California  answered…4yrs4Y

Permanently and irrevocably ban all non-heterosexual or asexual sexual and romantic orientations in predominantly and potentially predominantly Republican states, U.S. territories, counties and county-equivalents, Washington D.C., cities, towns, villages, Indian reservations, Census Designated Areas (CDP's) and other unincorporated areas and unincorporated communities, etc.

 @6HDD83R from California  answered…4yrs4Y

Permanently and irrevocably ban all non-heterosexual or asexual sexual and romantic orientations in predominantly and potentially predominantly Republican states, U.S. territories, counties and county-equivalents, Washington D.C., cities, towns, villages, Indian reservations, Census Designated Areas (CDP's) and other unincorporated areas and unincorporated communities, etc

 @8PK69PX from Washington  answered…4yrs4Y

Any 2 people above 18 and above should be able to get married without involving any government.

 @8NTZM4X from Nevada  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, allow the same sex marriage and allow them to have ceremonies in the churges or wherever they want it.

 @8QRCFQP from Tennessee  answered…4yrs4Y

 @68QRLZT from Louisiana  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but allow churches and other religious institutions the right to refuse to perform same-sex ceremonies

 @6HQ4HQ5 from Florida  answered…4yrs4Y

It should be left up to the states and not the federal government. But states that don't want it, should still honor same sex marriage licenses from states that allow it, and not discriminate same sex couples from state tax laws

 @78S5M87 from Wisconsin  answered…5yrs5Y

Yes, all humans should be treated equal and do what they want with their lives.

 @KatieSMudd from Kentucky  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but allow places of worship to refuse same-sex ceremonies. CHRISTIANITY IS NOT THE ONLY RELIGION IN WHICH SAME-SEX MARRIAGE COULD BE FROWNED UPON.

 @8CVZTRX from New Jersey  answered…4yrs4Y

Without a constitutional amendment, the right of same-sex marriage is given. The government should also get out of the incentives to marry.

 @8FPLGKD from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, and churches should not be able to refuse same-sex ceremonies as long as they are performing a civil ceremony. If churches paid taxes, they would have the right to refuse.

 @8GN9K5M from Colorado  answered…4yrs4Y

I would have preferred civil unions or taking the government out of marriage. Now that it is legal, I don't see value in doubling back, while still supporting churches' right to refuse ceremonies. However, LGBT people still require anti-discrimination protections in many other areas, like housing, and (at least secular) employment.

 @8JRGWTX from Oklahoma  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8KRN5MQ from Ohio  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8LJD4FT from Colorado  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, marriage is a human right and you should be able to marry whoever you love regardless oof gender

 @8MMFD8C from North Carolina  answered…4yrs4Y

i do not support same sex marriage but if a states allows it, the couple can get married if they want.

 @8NLKXJQ from Utah  answered…4yrs4Y

I don’t agree with same-sex marriage, but the government shouldn’t control who can marry who.

 @8NXSCW2 from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8PJHVJN from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

Completely against LGBTQ+ rights, but this should be decided by ballot referendum

 @8PTQ54W from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, everyone should be able to marry any person they choose regardless of gender

 @8PRBVSN from GU  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8QKJ7R9 from Texas  answered…4yrs4Y

No, marriage should be defined as between a man and woman. Civil unions make it seem acceptable to move in together, which leads to sin and the destruction of souls and the country.

 @8QPW6L2 from Pennsylvania  answered…4yrs4Y

 @DavidTveraas from Washington  answered…4yrs4Y

The definition of marriage should be civilly agreed upon by the parties participating and not defined by the government at all, but same-sex couples should be treated equally with opposite-sex couples

 @8TH2QWQ from Oklahoma  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, people should be allowed to marry who ever they want to marry no matter their sexuality.

 @8VC7WDN from North Carolina  answered…4yrs4Y

Although I personally do not support homosexuality, it is a settled issue. However stronger emphasis should be made on one man, one woman.

 @8ZY2RKD from New York  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes but I will support civil unions not marriage because marriage is between a man and a woman

  @ForWheelen from Florida  answered…3yrs3Y

I believe marriage as a sacred thing between a man and a woman, but a partner, same sex or otherwise should never be denied end of life decisions, inheritances etc. They should have all the rights a married couple enjoy

 @8ZLD3KV from Oklahoma  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and same-sex couples should receive the same benefits that opposite-couples receive.

 @92PZ3CR from Indiana  answered…3yrs3Y


although marriage is between a man and a woman, the government should stay out of marriage regardless.


Get the government put of marriage. It should be a consensual agreement between two adults.


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